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Chapter one:


I love you. I'm so sorry. I know you probauly don't even care anymore, because I know I hurt you. I don't know what happened back there at the creek. I guess I just got mad or something. I wish we were still friends. I wish you would forgive me. I wish everthing was back to the way it was before. I wish you were who you were back then, but you're not Kc. You changed. I've changed. We've both changed and it really feels like we've grown apart. I hate this! Why does this happen???!!! We were supposed to be best friends! Now look at us... We're ruining a friendship just because of a small fight.. I hate this and yes I know I've said this before but I can't help it. All this stuff going sucks. It really does. And we're going through it alone because we're both to stupid to let go of our stupid pride.

Well. I give up. If you hate me I understand.....I derserve it. I deserve everything bad that's happening to me right now. It sucks but if it will make you happy I'll leave you alone. I won't bother you anymore. Don't worry. I'm out of your life forever.

~ Shaylie.

I left the note in his locker after school. I couldn't face him. Not after everything that's happened between us. It sucked that I was losing my best friend. Or at least who used to be my best friend. He changed so much since 12th grade started that I don't even know who he is anymore. He used to be so sweet and so nice that he wasn't even a guy he was just my best friend. He didn't act like a usaul guy would. He acted like my best friend. I missed him so much. Why was he being such a jerk? As I walked away from his locker and and started down the hall I saw him coming up the hall towards me. I kept my head down as he passed as I knew that if I saw his face, I would begin to cry. After he passed I picked up my pace. He could not read that note while I was around.Heck for all I know he may not even read it, he might just throw it away.


5 months before

" Kc!" I shouted, running up behind my best friend in the whole world.

" Hey Shay shay" He said, giving me a bear hug. It was the summer before we went to high school. We had just got out;We were free for the next three months. I hugged him back just as tight. When we pulled apart he was smiling really big.

" What Kc? Why are you smiling like that?"

" No reason. So whatcha want to do this summer? It's me and you for three whole months." He asked taking my hand in his. I blushed and wondered if he could see that. I let my hair fall over my cheeks when he glanced my way. He could never know how I really felt towards him.

" Ummmmmm I don't know Kc what about you? Whay do you want to do?" I asked him back still staring at the ground. He stopped walking, pulling me to a stop too. I stayed like I was. He came closer to me and made me look at him.

" Why are you blushing Shay shay?" He asked.

"No reason." I say quietly.

" Ok then so...Tell me what you want to do this summer!"

" I don't know. You chose."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2012 ⏰

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