Chapter 4

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Marcus shut his alarm off and slowly slid out of bed. He goes to the bathroom facing the mirror and has a shave. He put the shower on and leaving the water to run a bit before hopping in. He hops in the shower at the right temperature. He washes while waking up from his drowsily sleep. He exits the shower only wrapping the towel down his lower waist. He opens his mirrored cabinet to see what cologne to wear. He grabs the one that he wore yesterday. He looks at it and remembers the Georgina was allergic to it and sneezes every time. He put it back, closing the cabinet door. He stares at himself. He rubs his hand on his face feeling some what tired. He gets new clothes out and put on a yellow tie. He ran down stairs. He sighed remembering that he forgot to tell Georgina to bring him coffee. He leaves for work. It takes about and hours to get there. He drives along the highway and get to work by 8. He climbs the elevator and walk to his office. He walk pass Georgina office to notice that she was in there.

"Morning" He quickly said as he walked pass. He forgets about the Mendoza and the bar and just walks to his office.

Georgina was tired and had a hangover from all the drinks that Diego had given her. She was throwing up in night in the toilet. She grabs the coffee for Marcus that she thought she should get him and walks in his office. Marcus was sitting at his desk reading something.

"I brought you coffee"

"Thank you, I forgot to ask you" Georgina smiles by the thank you he gave her.

She kept one hand behind her back. She leans on Marcus desk, which her top revel her cleavage. Marcus look but he quickly look away and look to what he was reading. She slams something on his desk, Mr. Leo stop to look.

"The papers from last night" He grabs them to take a closer look. "You got him to sign them, but how?" he said.


"You didn’t have....." He pauses feeling embarrassed to ask. "...... Sex with him did you?"

Georgina was hurt by his remark she stop leaning on his desk and took a step back. "A thank you would be nice and no I didn’t have SEX with him for you information. I can’t believe you would think that of me"

"I didn’t mean it like that" Marcus said.

"I’m better that, I would never have sex with someone to get them to do something!"

Marcus cringes every time the word SEX came out of her mouth. He didn’t understanding why he was reacting like this. "I’m sorry," He get out of his chair and walks around his desk. He sits on the front, Georgina just before him. He reaches out and touches her arm.

"I’m sorry" He said sincerely.

"Apology accepted"

"Your alright you don’t look to good?"

"A lot of Sangria" she smile and he did the same

She loved it when he touched her, when he rubs her arm to apologize. His soft hand on her sensitive skin felt good. She shuffled on her feet as the silence grew.

"It there anything you practically want me to do today? Georgina asks breaking the silence.

"Have you finished looking at the book?"

"Well no, I was going to last night but ended up spending my night in my toilet."

"Was it that bad?"

"You don’t want to know" Georgina smiles.

"Once you finish the books then come and talk to me"

Georgina nods than leaves Marcus sitting on his desk.

Georgina spent most morning looking and checking over the books twice. She notice that there was $4000 dollars being taken out every 2 months. She goes and checks if this was right, she need to Marcus to have a look. He had a visitor so Georgina had to wait until Marcus was free. She lightly knocks on his door.

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