Dead inside.

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''I Can't do this anymore'' said my friend trinity over then phone. At first I didn't know what she meant but then I relised she was talking about suicide again. I couldn't help myself I just broke down crying. I love her and could never imagine a life without her, she's been my best friend since 1st grade and were always together. Growing up people always asked if we were sisters, somtimes even twins. I wish I could be as beautiful as her. I tried to keep my voice from shaking to much wile talking to her but I couldn't help it. Iv talked her out of going through with this so many times but somehow this time feels different. I'm so scared I can barly breath. I don't know what to do I mean I'm only 14 I shouldn't have to deal with this much in my life. She wouldn't stop crying and saying how sorry she was I was getting really worried. '' it's my time to go, I love you kate. and no matter what happens stay strong, strong enough for the both of us''. Then she hung up. She lives about 2 miles away from me and I ran as fast as I could to her house. Her door was locked and she wouldn't awnser. My heart was about to beat right out of my chest. I called 911 and have them her address and said to hurry. I ran to the back win do were she would sneak me in when she was grounded, it was unlocked so I crawled in. I found her lyeing on the bathroom floor with blood everywhere and an empty pill bottle. I didn't know how many she took but se was still breathing, hardly. I kneeled down beside her crying saying how much I love her and how it's all my fualt for not being there. I heard the sounds of the cops and ambulance from down the street. I run outside and let them in. They rush in and take her to the ambulance I asked if I could go with her but they said only immediate family. And sent me home. I called my uncle and asked him to drive me to the hospital and I would explain evrything there. He knew I never asked for and that this must have been important so he came and got me. When we got there an I say trinity Latin in the hospital bed I couldn't help but just break down. It was all my fualt. If only I had been there just a little bit sooner. I didn't know how she was doing but the doctor made me go back to the waiting room and he woul come talk to me soon. I went and say with my uncle but told him I didn't wanna talk, he understood. He's my legal guardian because both my parents died wen I was little on 9/11. I don't remember them much but I'm glad that out of all my relatives they wanted me to be with my uncle Matt. He's more of an older brother to me and respects when I don't want to talk and have issues. He's always there for me, I just wish I could always be there for trinity. I can't wait for the doctor to give me the news. I'm so scared. I hear running come up behind me and see trinities mom. Her face is red and you can tell she's been crying. She came and sat next to me and asked what was going on, all she knew was someone from the hospital said her daughter was in critical condition. I told her everything, she was in shock and couldn't believe a word I was saying. I wish we didn't have to believe it. I just can't stop hope only this is some kind of sick nightmare and I will wake up soon. I know that won't happen though. Will it?

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