Mr. Right...Now

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The twins and Lisa said they wanted Honesty for the weekend so I dropped her off at there house and headed to school.

"Lovely have you ever thought about working for MAC or doing make-up for fashion shows" my teacher asked. "No, I don't really think my make-up is that good yet" I said working on my client. "Well the work you are doing on this young lady is phenomenal. She was looking like a beast before you got to her, now she look like a diva" he said snapping his fingers. I saw my client grim him until I handed her the mirror. "Oh my gosh this is so beautiful. Please tell me you come work at a shop or something" the client said getting up. "No but here is my number just let me know when you want me to do something, and we will work it out" I gave her a hug and sent her out. "Ms. Love their is a hair show coming up and I want you to do the models make up for your spring project" the head instructor Tyra said. "But that show has all the graduates in it, they have to look perfect" I said unsure of this. 

"Well then, looks like you need to be at home practicing. See you tomorrow honey" Tyra said walking out. I packed my stuff and headed out. Why the hell would they put me on that show, there is going to be so much work to do. Now I have to buy new make-up tools and colors, so I really need to do this job with Tina. 

I stopped at Home Depot to get paint, because I want to decorate Honesty's room. She has been sleeping in my room ever since she was born and I know she will become accustomed to it soon.

Every time I tried to get help in the store they ignored me. I guess because I look young or something. So I have no clue whether to pick this lavender color or a sky blue and what type of brushes to get. 

"You look lost" I turned around to see Lamontez fine ass looking at me "I'm not lost at all" I said trying not to get any help from him. "Okay then, see you around" he said walking away. Damnit I needed his help. "Wait come back" I said running up to him."Yes" he said with the cutest smile ever, displaying a full set of pearly whites. "I need a little help" I said looking at him. "I figured you did, what are you getting painted" he asked walking back down the paint aisle with me. "My daughters bedroom but I have no clue where to start" I said. 

"Why didn't you ask the painter company?" he asked. "Because I'm being cheap and doing this myself" I said while he started laughing. "Where is your man at?" he asked. "Your very nosey, but were not together anymore" I said looking down, just the thought of James sent anger in me. "I'm sorry for asking but if you want I can help you paint, I think I'm pretty good at it" he said cheesing. 
"That's sounds good, are you free tomorrow" I asked. "As long as you give me your number than yes" he said pulling out his phone. "Don't be trying to run game on me" I said snatching his phone. "Actually I needed your number to find out your address" he said smirking. "My bad, I'll see you tomorrow" I said handing him back his phone. 

For some reason I like Lamontez but he is so much older than me. Older guys always tend to think their smarter so I'll just fall back for now. 

Tina told me meet to my date at the Whitley for tonight. I have no clue how this person looks or even name. So I just dressed in a simple short flowing black skirt and high rise black matching top. I kept the jewelry simple, only wearing a pair of studs and putting my hair in a bun. My feet been killing me lately so I only wore a pair of wedges, grabbed my clutch, and leather jacket. 

The ride took longer than I thought so I was about fifteen minutes late meeting up with him. "Reservations for Lovely B." I told the host when I walked in. "Right this way ma'am" the hostess said leading me upstairs to the balcony. 

I'm not one to judge but this man was one of the ugliest I have ever seen. He had a lazy eye, a little chunky, and only seemed to be about five'seven. "Your even more beautiful than I imagined. My name is Clifford but you can call me Cliff" he said pulling out my chair. I had to force a smile even though I felt bad for not being happy he is a gentle man. "Umm, Cliff my name is Love..." I said unsure of what really to see. This felt like my first date all over again, I never been this nervous. 

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