Chapter 2

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School was out. Finally. Now it was just me, my girl, the party and the weekend. I grabbed my books from my locker and headed to Nat's. I turned the corner and my eyes found her instantly at the end of the hall next to her locker. She was on the phone with some one. Wonder who? It seemed pretty intense. If anything was wrong she'd tell me so no need to worry. I was still curious however, so I made sure to walk up to her quietly just to get a bit of what was going on.
"Yea, yea. Can I call you back? I know, but just later, ok? Ok, bye," she said to her phone and Quickly put it away. "Oh hey."
"Hey, what's that about?" I asked curiously.
"Oh nothing, don't worry bout it."
"Are you sure?" I asked knowing something was up.
"Yea, I'm all good, ready to go?"
"Yea, lets go," I knew something was wrong from her urgent change of topic, but I decided to drop it. She was probably waiting until we got to my house to tell me.

It wasn't a long walk from school to my house, but the snowy weather made it seem like forever. Not to mention the fact that not a lot of words were exchanged on the journey. I did the usual and asked how her day was and she gave me the usual answer of good how was yours and replied with the usual, good. But something was still wrong. It took me a bit to realize, but she had never told me a story. Natalie always has a story to go along with her day. Even if it's not the most exciting or out of the ordinary, she always had one.
"Anything interesting happen?" I asked trying to get her to open up.
"No," she simply responded.
"You seem unusually quiet today."
"Yea, I'm sorry. I'm just a little tired. I think a bit of time with my boy will help though," she said adding a little wink in my direction.
"Well I wouldn't mind a little alone time with my girl as well," I said putting my arm around her.
We carried a conversation all the way home and it wasn't long till we were snuggling under the covers enjoying each other's company. It wasn't long till conversations and laughing seized and silence filled my small room. I was holding her and her head was cradled in my chest. She looked up at me with her intelligent brown eyes, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She gave me a little smirk and that was all it took for my lips to naturally connect with hers like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
Our lips parted then went back again, my hands held her back gently yet strong enough to keep us from separating. Her hand was wrapped around her neck and the other played with my hair. We've been together for almost a year now yet every time she touches me it feels like the first time. When her hands caress my skin it tingles all over my body. When her lips connect to mine I feel my heart leap out of my chest. I pulled her closer, never feeling likes she's close enough. My hands explore her body like a traveller that has been there a thousand times, yet still searching to know more. Her hips, her curves, her back, her soft skin. Her. I could never get enough. I love these moments. Even when we weren't making out. I loved being with her.
I made my way down to her neck. After being with her for so long, I knew she was a sucker for neck kisses. I started off gently and gradually got rougher knowing she would not break under the pressure. Her hands closed into fists around my shirt and hair. I moved back to kiss her once again on the mouth, but she pulled back.
"You ok?" I whispered in the silence.
"Yea," she replied.
"Do you wanna stop?" I asked. I didn't want to, but our desires had to match and I was always respectful of that.
"No, no. Never," she said softly. "Just want to take the moment in."
I gave a slight laugh as a response. A few seconds went by before she raised an eyebrow and asked "You know what?" 
"What?" I asked raising my own.
"I love you," she said slowly right next to my ear. Just as I knew what she liked, she knew what I liked.
"I love you too," I whispered back. "Staying in and watching a movie sounds nice right about now."
"Yea, but we promised Matt we would go," Nat said.
"Yea, but I don't wanna move."
"Then you don't have too. Not yet at least." She said.
I gave her a smirk and bent to kiss her. A kiss that felt like a second, but lasted a lifetime.

All rights reserved to Brianna Latremouille

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