Gladion Head-canons #2

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'Sup Bros and Lady-bros, here's yet another List of Head-canons and Preferences, only this time....IT'S EVEN LOOOOOOOOONGEEEEERRRRRR~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D 

.....Yes I'm still alive, no I haven't died....Or did I? JK, Enjoy~!!!!! >:3

Food Preferences----Gladion professes to hate sweets, but secretly..... HE LIVES ON SUGARRRRRR!!!! We're talkin' about three-hundred tons of chocolate stashed away in that tiny little man-purse of his! This smol baby boy loves himself some candy. Though he drinks a lot of water to wash out the sugar, plus he eats it occasionally, that way it'll last for years...Oooooorrrrr, until it expires, I guess.... XD He also exercises, a lot, and eats whatever food he can get his hands on, mostly instant yakisoba and/or frozen mini pizzas.

Coffee Preferences---- He says he doesn't like to drink coffee with sugar and creamer, heck, he's been seen drinking it plain. His big secret? He love, love, LOVES, Starbuck's coffee, his usual being a double mocha latte. Get him a cup of that, and maybe...just maybe...He'll consider being your friend. Honestly, everyone is happier after they get their coffee, no if's , and's, or but's!!!

S/O Preferences---- He is looking for an s/o who is kind, caring, and abrupt! Abrupt enough to tell him what he NEEDS to hear, NOT what he wants to hear! He wants someone whom he could understand on a mutual level, and an intimately close one, as well! He would love someone to have lengthy late-night conversations while cuddling in bed, he secretly loves to cuddle. though he has a problem of being clingy, and overprotective over his s/o, mess with them, and your ass is toast! He's a bit of what you'd call the jealous type. He also would like someone who would put up with his constant displays of affection, this is his way of how much he's grateful for someone who loves him! Plus, it's just him being awkward! Awkward peeps, UNITE~!!!!!! :D

Age Head-canon---- He is 16 years old, and his birthday is February the 16th, 2000.

Disney geek! Gladion Head-canon---- He may not seem like it, but he freaking, LOVES, Disney! He knows all the songs by heart, and can sing like a freaking Disney prince!

That's all for now, hope you guys, and gals, enjoyed the second chapter, of this book! Buh-bye~!!!!!!!  :3

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