Ch.1 Our Anniversary

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"*Gasp* " I stood there in shock and disbelief. My eyes began to water and my feet stayed frozen in place. It was like I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. Apart of me wanted to turn around, and run away. Another part of me wanted to walk over and confront the two.

I just couldn't believe it; after all, we went through together. The effort we put into convincing our parents that Western University was the best School for us. The fact that I begged my parents to let me move to Toronto, so we could finish high school together. I left the Sandy white beaches of British Columbia, to move across the country, and lived with my grandparents. Everything I did, I did for him, and this is how he repays me?

This is how he shows me he loves me, on our fifth year anniversary? I wiped away tear after tear until my cheeks dried from the wetness, and I was able to stop snuffling. Here I was rushing over to our spot near the lake with a picnic styled lunch, and here he is swapping spit with some floozy. The sight truly was sickening. The tramp's hair was a mess and her amount of clothing was next to nothing. Her hands were in his blonde tresses and rambling all over his body.

Then she stopped and looked over his shoulder. Our eyes meet, then she quickly removed herself off of Geoff and stood next to him. He froze, probably wondering what was or whom was behind him, that caused his make-out session to end. Then he turned around. His face was in a mixture of disbelief and shock.

"Hey, Bridgette I didn't know you were going to be here", He says. Wow just wow. I walk a bit closer to him and smack him clear across the face. "Hmmm... Really? Is that so? Maybe if you'd answer your damn phone you'd have known that today was our anniversary", I say in a rather sarcastic tone. "Bridgette I can explain see-", He went on.

"Save it Geoff ok, I see how it really is. While I woke up early to cook your favorite meal for our lunch date, you were busy sucking face with anything that moves in a mini skirt", I tell him. "I have a name you know ?", the girl says as she flips her brown hair. Her amber eyes glared at me and I rolled mines at her.

I really wanted more than anything to tell her off but then I realized how much I needed answers from Geoff. "Not right now Cory", he tells her. She stomps off and stands next to what I assume is her blue SRV. "I can see that you're really upset but please let me talk babe", he says. 'Psft babe? did he seriously just call me that after what I just witnessed? My head was spinning with profanities and questions.

I nod my head and tell him to speak. Once he proceeds, I soon find myself at a loss for words. "Bridgette it's been pretty stressful with balancing school, work, and us dating. Sorry that I neglected to answer the calls, but you can't just point the finger this way. Especially when you too have neglected your part in this relationship", He says.

I look up at him in awe, shaking my head as he went on a full rant.
"Seriously you claim that I was busy but what did you do for my birthday this year? Nothing. Where were you when I won that award for skater cons Starz? Nowhere to be found. "*Psft* you didn't even notice my involvement in Ontario go green movement", he went on. Ok so I was rather busy with my own studies and personal life; that I may have lacked in my part of the relationship, but that's no excuse for today.

There's no way that he believed that these were good reasons for his actions today. It doesn't even compare, we've spoken about my absence of those events already. "Geoff we've already talked about why I couldn't show up to your birthday party. How could I when I was visiting my mother in the hospital at the time? As for the skater con Starz award, I made up for that by taking you out on a date remember? And how could I notice your involvement in the go green project when you never call or text me? You sound very ridiculous right now", I had to tell him. He needed more than just a slap to the face, he needed a reality check.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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