Prologue - Russian Roulette

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Okay everyone. This prologue is in no way an indicator of the main plot of the story. It's merely the backbone of the main character and will be integrated again later on in the story. It's a bit dark, so beware. Enjoy. :)


Harry's POV:

"Why? I thought you loved me Josh."

Josh laughed wickedly. "You're so naive Harry. I never loved you.  I simply used you for sex, your money and now I've moved on to something better. You never meant anything, you were simply a pawn in a game of chess, disposable."

It was at that moment that my heart shattered into nothingness.

"No Josh! Just tell me what I can do to make this work. You're my everything, I'm here, always. We've had so many special moments. You can''t tell me that they meant nothing. I don't believe you. "

I was in denial. I loved him and couldn't come to grips with what would happen next.

"Are you kidding me. I just fucking told you that you're nothing to me. You were quite simily put pure utter rubbish. I'm leaving and if you even think about following me, you might not live to see another sunrise". 

My mind could not process what I heard. I was threatened and by the love of my life. What have I succomed to? I felt powerless.

At that moment, I dashed into the kitchen and grabbed his keys. I wouldn't let him walk out like that without an explanation. I needed to know why. I had so many unanswered questions. I was willing to risk it all for the answers. Curiosity got the best of me.

"You're not leaving until we talk about this Josh. I refuse. Just tell me what I diid and we can get through this. I love you. We can talk about this. You're better than this, please talk to me baby."

Suddenly,I felt an icy cold blade on my neck. I started to hyperventilate, this was it. He was going to do it. I was good as gone. He was a cold blooded monster. He had no remorse. I began to sweat perfusely at the thought of being murdered right then and there.

That's when it happened.

Josh kneed me in the stomach and I tumbled to the ground. That was the last I saw of him. I kept dreaming of all the moments we shared but they always ended with that same kick in the stomach. The pain was endless. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I started hating myself and I no longer was my cheery exuberant self. The darkness settled in and I was all alone, suffering unbekownist to anyone else.


I'm gonna dedicate this prologue to Sanne. You are honestly such great person inside and out and reading "Fanboy" as well as Kidd's story "The Unexpected" inspired me to try something a bit different. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this.




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