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It was his smile. His cute little smile, when his big brown eyes would be closed and creased at the corners, and I could tousle his caramel colored hair. His bright smile when he landed his quadruple toe loop, and he would rush over to me and wrap me up in a hug. The smile of Guang-Hong Ji of China. I was so intensely captured by the small-statured, seventeen-year-old skater. I, Leo De La Iglesia of America, had resigned myself to the fact that I was utterly in love with this boy and every aspect of him. 

I was visiting Guang-Hong in his hometown right now, and we were practicing at his local skating rink. The caramel-haired boy executed a clean double axel, flashing the smile that I had fallen for. 

"Did you see that, Leo-kun?" Guang-Hong exclaimed in his delight, skating over to where Leo was lounging against the wall of the rink. 

I grinned back at the younger boy. "It was awesome!" I praised him. 

A blush rose to his cheeks, coloring them an adorable shade of red. He fidgeted awkwardly for a moment, as if deciding thoroughly on his next words. "Leo-kun, I want to show you something. Could you follow me?"Guang-Hong looked towards the ground and twisted his hands together. 

"Sure!" I replied, eager to know what Guang-Hong had in store. He never failed to surprise me, and I was excited to see his latest project. 

The younger boy exited the skating rink, and we took off our skates before continuing. Guang-Hong led the way throughout the skating rink building, which was quite large. He speedwalked through the hallways like he had done it a thousand times, until finally, he stopped in front of a large metal door. Guang-Hong grabbed the rusty door handle and pulled the slab of metal towards us, revealing a small and quaint setup of a stage, with one lone chair where the audience's seats would have been. 

I could tell that the stage had been constructed recently, or at least refurnished. Why the skating rink would have the need for a stage like this, where singers would perform, I had no clue. Perhaps they had held concerts here way back in the day, but that was just a guess. 

"Sit, please." Guang-Hong requested, gesturing to the chair. 

I obliged, sitting down and watching as the caramel-haired boy climbed the steps so he was on the stage, and he went backstage for a brief moment, returning with a microphone and a set of speakers on which his phone was placed. Was he going to sing? 

Guang-Hong tapped the microphone apprehensively, visibly nervous. He cleared his throat, then smiled gently at me before bending down to press the play button on his phone. Instantly, piano music began to flow out of the speakers, and it was a song that I recognized right away.

It couldn't be... I thought. But it was. The music playing was the backtrack to my favorite song, Still Alive.

That's when I heard Guang-Hong start singing, and my head snapped up.

"The morning sun, or the moonless night,

I see the God inside them and I feel alright."

His voice was absolutely beautiful. He hit each pitch with ease, breathing evenly and maintaining steady eye contact with me. I felt my heart pounding as I found myself lost in Guang-Hong's gorgeous brown eyes. 

"Oh Lord, everything on the earth,

Has music inside, 

Hey, I can feel my heart beat,

Waving like the ocean,

We live in the circle of life." 

My favorite part was up next, the rap. I couldn't help myself. I sprung out of the chair and rushed up onstage to where Guang-Hong was, snatching up a spare microphone and switching it on before beginning the rap. 

"Where would I go? What would I do? 

What would I be without the music?

To live in a silent word, I refuse it

The truth is, I'm clueless

Without the beat to motivate my soul

Slipping around and lose control

Driven to find the path to satisfaction

Filled with passion

Lord, I'm asking for a direction

I'm caught up and I'm lost all up in its beauty

A world filled with music for you and me."

I panted, nearly breathless, and Guang-Hong grinned widely, picking up the singing part again. 

"Everyday I sing, 

The brotherhood of man,

How grateful it is, 

We're still alive.

I can feel my soul, 

Singing as a bird

Wherever I go, 

God stays with me.

The growing trees, 

Or the rose in bloom 

I see the God inside them and I feel alright."

The song concluded along with the backtrack, and I found myself wanting to hear more of Guang-Hong's lovely voice. "" Was all I could think to say.

Guang-Hong laughed merrily, his shoulders bouncing up and down as he did so. "I wanted to surprise you with something. And I also did this because, I have a confession to make." He stepped closer to me. "Leo-kun, I love you." 

My jaw dropped in shock, and I could barely formulate a sentence. "I love you too..." I murmured, blushing madly. Then, in a split-second decision, I leaned down a few centimeters and tilted Guang-Hong's chin up, kissing him on the lips. At first, the other boy didn't reciprocate, but he eventually did, linking his arms around my neck. 

When I finally broke away, I was too stunned by my own actions, and by Guang-Hong's response to me, to make any sort of words. 

"Be mine, please, Leo-kun?" Guang-Hong asked, looking up with those beautiful brown eyes. He gave me his capturing smile, and my heart melted. 

"Of course." 

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