Never, never fall...

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I looked outside the bus window, and turned up the volume to my song. It was also raining really hard outside as it tends to during Autumn. I watched as a few droplets as they went down the glass pane, gliding over each other trying to dominate one another. I simply sighed and looked at my phone screen. Going home couldn't happen fast enough. When I unlocked my phone screen and saw my bias in the background I couldn't help but smile a bit. He was just too perfect.
My song quickly changed to one I was very familiar with. It was a song called "Autumn Leaves" by BTS. I ignored everything and focused on the tempo and beat of the music. My lips involuntary began to mouth the words. I looked around, noticing everyone else was having a conversation so I shrugged it off and kept mouthing them. "Never, never fall..."

When I got home I greeted my mom, walked into my room and shut my door. I then went straight to YouTube because I remembered today was their big comeback. BTS would put out their new song and their album.
I kept my earphones and a pillow nearby, just in case I would need to fangirl. Suddenly, I found the video and silently waited as I saw those beautiful men enter the room on the screen.

My mom, needless to say, was pissed at me because I wouldn't stop humming the song for two weeks straight. "Maybe if you'd put as much time as you do into those Chinese boys, you'd be an A+ student," she said. "First off..." I began with an then started to rant as I usually do. This was about the 30th time I've had to explain that they were Korean and that my grades were okay.
"That's nice and all honey, but you don't even speak their language...Why do you listen if you can't understand?" I scoffed and replied, "Why do you live if you're gonna die?" I stuck my tounge out at her. "You got me there." I giggled.
"So, what do you want for your 18th birthday?" She asked while folding some clothes. "OMGTHEREISSOMUCHIWANTLETSSEE.." I began to speak excitedly. " Woah, hold on there cowgirl!" " Well, I want the new WINGS album by BTS." My mother winked, " Let's see what we can do about that."
I cherished the CD I got for the next two months. I memorised every song on there. I even tried learning some dances, but failed miserably. It was only until the end of the year, when everything hit the fan.
I was inside my my room once again, casting various BTS cracks from YouTube. It was nearly midnight and the only thing keeping me company was my Pusheen plush and a bag of Doritos. I loudly laughed and waited in anticipation for the new year. This year I would definitely get better grades and possibly a boyfriend, although I thought it was far from a reality at that point. Another friend was on and she shot me a text wishing me a happy New Year. I smiled thoughtfully, but something suddenly caught my attention. On the screen a performance was playing for New Year's. BTS were all in hockey outfits and Kookie was in the lead for once. I turned up the volume and found myself agreeing with every word that appeared in those magical white letters in a black box.
I pouted and pulled my plush closer to me. Man, it was just too relatable. Man, I wish I could even meet them and I'll never get the chance to tell Jungkook how I feel, I began to sadly think. He doesn't even know I exist...But as long as he has a smile on his face, who am I to complain? I mean, he already sacrifices enough just to keep my smiling. I shrugged off the thought and replaced my frown with a smile and anticipated the final minutes of this year. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for.
I looked out the window by my bed and saw a shooting star. I wished with all my might for my bias groups' to have happiness. Then, I turned off my television and wrapped my self in the arms of sleep.

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