Chapter 1~ Holy Shit.

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Quick AN: None of the pics or videos are mine unless stated. All credit goes to original owner. Thanks.

"Wake up." Someone shakes me.

"Go away." I groan.

"Baby, you gotta wake up." My mom says.

"Mom, 5 more minutes please!"

"No! Get up right now Melissa Nicole Alvarez!" She says angrily, her Hispanic accent coming out.

"Ok,ok! I'm up!" I throw the blankets off of myself and get up lazily.

"Good. Get ready for school." She smiles innocently and leaves my room.

"Crazy woman." I mumble.

I get up and stop at my mirror, observing myself. I am 5'2 and have long black hair. I also have green eyes. I have a curvy body but not too much in the boob area. I like my body though.

I head towards my closet and put on a grey cropped hoodie that has the string going until the middle of my cleavage. It doesn't show any cleavage really. I also throw on a pair of ripped jeans and some all white adidas. Casual. Then I fix my hair a bit and do my makeup. Before leaving, I throw on some cute glasses.

"I'm leaving mom! Love you!" I shout heading out the door.

"Bye sweetie! I love you too! Your brothers are at school already!" I hear her say before the door slams.

Yes, I have 2 brothers, Gabriel and Weston. We call them Gabe and Wes though.They are older than me at 17. I am 16. I'm in my junior year. They're in their last year of high school now and today is the first day back.

I hop into my matte, black Range Rover. I speed off to school and I'm soon there.

"Hey Mel!" I hear a voice shout.

My best friend Quinn went on a trip to visit her dad who lived in Italy. He was an Alpha there but decided to move the pack here and now that pack is going to be joined with ours. Our Alpha is his best friend and they thought it would be an amazing idea. The packs conjoined name is The SilverMoon pack. This is also the day I get to meet her brother who is the same age and grade as my brothers. Her mom didn't want to stay in Italy because of some problems so she lives here with her mom but visits her brother and dad during summer.

"QUINNY!" I shout and run towards her. She drops her bag and opens her arms to catch me. I jump into her arms and squeeze her tight. Thank her fast reflexes for catching me on time and making us not fall.

"I'm here! I missed you so much Mel!" She squeezes me back.

"I missed you too! I need to talk to you about so many things!" She puts me down and we walk to class together. We had checked our schedules yesterday and we have them the same.

"Ok but I need to introduce you to my brother, Nicholas. We have some classes with him." She explains.

"Cool." We are outside the classroom door and I smell the most intoxicating scent ever. I haven't found my mate yet which was driving my wolf crazy. So smelling him, drove both of us crazy.

"Babe, get in the class." Quinn says.

I see a boy coming towards the door, the scent getting stronger. It's him!

"Oh shoot, I, uh, left something in my locker. I'll be back!" I speed walk towards my locker and try hiding my face. I'm too late.

"Hey babe." Someone whispers in my ear. I look up and see a very handsome boy. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He looks about 6"2. Probably close to my age. He has on black ripped jeans, a band tee, and some black & white converse. He looks hot.

"Don't call me that." I walk away rapidly.

"I can call you that because I am your mate and you are mine." He smirks.

"I actually already have a boyfriend." I smirk back, just teasing him a bit.

In seconds, my front is pressed against the lockers and he has his arms by my head.

"And what's his name?" He whispers angrily.

"I don't have to say anything to you." I grit out.

"Then I'll find out, princess. And trust me, it won't be pretty." He walks away and leaves me there stunned.

"Holy shit." I murmur and lock my locker, making my way back to class. But with my luck, the only empty seat is next to my brother, Weston. Next to those seats are his best friends, who now includes my mate. I still don't know his name, damn.

"Hey Mel. How's it going?" Weston asks.

"Fine." I grumble.

"That's great," he smiles.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Get up then, do something." I tell him and his friends, including my mate, laugh. We always joke around like this, we never actually fight.

"Nobody will do anything! Be quiet all of you!" The teacher yells and the classroom calms.

"Great, my name is Mr. Ybarra, nothing else." He explains.

"Good job Mel, you got in trouble on the first day." Wes whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes. Behind me I hear a low growl. I turn around and see my mate fuming.

"Jeez." I turn back around and pay attention for the rest of class. Ignoring the growls that came when Wes would make side comments.

The bell rings and everyone is out of the room in seconds.

"What was that about?" Quinn asks.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about, my brother growling when Wes would get too close to you!" She says.

"That's your brother? Oh my gosh." I mumble.

"Yes, you still haven't answered my question!"

"Um, he's my mate." I whisper.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams.

"Shut up!" I punch her arm.

"Ow, bitch!"

"Hey ladies, ladies! Calm down! I'm right here." Warm arms wrap around my waist and I smile very big. I know who it is, Carlos. He's our best friend too.

"CARLOS!" I shout and wrap my legs around him while he spins us. He had left me here alone too, visiting his family. He lives here with his older brother, while his parents live in Canada.

"Hey babe, I knew you missed me but not this much!" He laughs and I punch his arm.

"Oh shut up." I say and I notice now all of the chaos going on. There were my brothers trying to hold back Nicholas from attacking Carlos. Oops.

Meeting My Alpha Mate #1Where stories live. Discover now