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*hunters pov*

I see Loren's facial expression change from a calm look to an excited look.

"Are you being for real?!" She asks smiling huge

"Yes I'm being for real...I really like you and I'd love it if you were mine"

"Hunter id love to" she smiles huge wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me

I hug back completely happy as I kiss the side of her head.

She's already making me so happy..

*lorens pov*

Honestly...hunters hot so why not!

I probably should stop talking to geo...nah geo is hot to I'll just keep it secret..

*baileys pov*

About an hour later hunter and Loren friggin finally come back with the pizza

We all immediately run over two of us grabbing one of the two boxes and all sit on the bed and start eating!

"Ok so I have something to say" hunter chuckles sitting next to Loren

We all nod our heads with mouthfuls of pizza waiting for his response.

"I asked Loren to be my girlfriend...and she said yes" he takes on a huge smile taking Lorens hand.

My heart drops a little bit.

Loren is nice and pretty and all...but I did have a crush on hunter.

I guess I can't now.

All the boys clap their hands a bit and continue with their pizza.

"Congrats you two" I say with a fake smile as they smile

"Thank you" they say at the same time and laugh and I just turn my head.


After pizza we all decide to chill out and just talk or listen to music.

"We should go do something it's not that late" Weston says looking at all of us

"Like what" Shawn asks as we wait for a response

"I don't know...wait isn't there a trampoline park a couple blocks away"

We all immediately spring up obviously excited and agree on a trampoline park.

Now I haven't been to a trampoline park since I was like five because my mother never did anything with us.

"We neeeeed to go to the trampoline park" Jacob says excitedly grabbing a jacket

"Well then let's go" Weston laughs standing up

"Nice one Weston" I giggle and pat him on the back sarcastically

I walk to my bag and search for my jacket and of course it's all wet from spilling a drink on it the other day..

Just my luck..

I shrug my shoulder irritated at myself and turn around

"Ok let's go" I say walking towards the door getting my shoes on

"Wait where's your sweatshirt it's freezing" Brandon looks at me like I'm crazy

"It's covered in water" I giggle a bit

"Here.." Jacob walks over to me handing me his sweatshirt..

"Jacob your gonna need that" I look at it then him

"Just wear my sweatshirt" he laughs and shakes his head

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA😂😂😂I'm and idiot honestly


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