Thunder Storms (Ricky Horror)

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This imagine is for the lovely AverageGothGirl . Hope you like it <3

Y/N's P.O.V

I sighed nervously as I watched the sky turn a dark shade of grey. Yes, I'm scared of thunder storms, never been a fan of them and never will be. I looked around, growing more worried.

My boyfriend, Ricky, was recording some guitar riffs with Ryan for the new MIW album. So, he was at Ryan's place.

I played with my fingers as I shifted my eyes from the time on my phone to the dark sky. I just wanted Ricky to be here already. I sighed softly and bit my lip once I saw rain coming down from the clouds. Lightning was next..

I saw a flash of lightning hit the ground, I winced feeling like the lightning struck me. I then heard thunder.

I looked down and started to breathe heavily. Fuck, I may have a panic attack.

Unexpectedly, I heard the front door open from downstairs.

"Y/N?" A familiar male voice called out. Ricky.

"I'm in my room!" I called out, my voice cracking a bit. See? I get really fucking scared.

I could hear footsteps going up the stairs. I smiled a small smile once I saw Ricky.

Ricky's P.O.V

"Y/N?" I called out.

"I'm in my room!" She replied, her voice cracked. Oh no.. she sounds scared.

I went upstairs and smiled once I saw her. She smiled a small smile and held her pillow close to her chest, fear in her eyes.

"Babe, you alright?" I asked softly as I closed the door.

She nodded clearly lying, she winced as she saw a lightning flash from the window and thunder was heard.

"Oh.. you're scared of the storm.. aren't you?"

She nodded and blushed "you must think I'm stupid for being scared.."

"Of course you're not stupid babe, come here.." I said and sat down motioning her to my lap.

She crawled over to me and sat on my lap. I took off my shirt and cuddled into her.

She nuzzled her head into my neck and sighed softly. I rubbed her back and did my best to calm her down.

She shifted a little when she heard another thunder noise.

"It's okay.. it's just thunder baby.."

She nodded and held onto me tightly. I moved her head away from my neck and kissed her softly.

I laid down and put her near my side, I wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek and smiled once I noticed she was asleep. "I love you.." I whispered. I then fell asleep holding onto her.

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