The ASU sisterhood

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Part one

“The first meeting for ASU begins now” I banged the gavel

 I look at my group of friends that were convened in a round table stifling a chuckle. There was about six of us there and we all look different. Now you are probably wondering what is ASU? Well I’ll tell you. ASU stands for Anorexic Sisters Unite. Now don’t judge me I swear that it's not bad as is sounds. For you to understand why we are doing with I’ll introduce you to my friends in a rather unconventional manor.

“I just meant that you know, if you gain anymore weight I would have to reconsider our relationship.” Troy said to Lindsay.

Lindsay took the rubber band around her wrist and used it to tie her dark locks back. This was a big tell sign for when she was upset. Her bright blue eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she stared at her boyfriend of three months

“I’m not saying you’re fat babe; just that you could afford to be smaller.” Troy said sheepishly. His larger hand running through his already dishevelled hair

Still Lindsay didn’t say anything. Her lower lip was quivering slightly as her brain processed what Troy was saying. She was a petite yet curvaceous girl, quite typical of the women on the Italian side of her family.

“Okay, I’m gonna leave now.” troy said awkwardly and turned to make a quick get away from his girlfriend. In his mind he thought the talk went well. He loved Lindsay’s curves especially her large boobs. He especially loved that no matter how high a neck line the top her had on had, it still always showed a hint of cleavage. He loved how all the other guys perved over her but she was his and his alone. Honestly he didn’t believe that she was fat. But he had run across pictures of his mother when she was younger and she had a body shape quite similar to Lindsay. Now his mother was a large woman he just couldn’t picture himself with a fat chick just like he couldn’t picture himself fat.

Sophia was taking another bite of her dark chocolate cake slice when her twin sisters walked into the kitchen. Like her they had long blonde hair and large green eyes and were all taller than your average teenage girls. Most people would think they were triplet because of how similar they looked except for the fact that Sophia had inherited their father’s large bone structure. She was not big by any means buy she was quite larger than her sisters.

“Should you be eating that?” Molly the one twin asked her. Wrinkling her nose

“There’s a reason I baked the cake.” Sophia mumbled

“You know you shouldn’t eat so many calories with your body.” Megan, the other twin, added

Sophia just rolled her eyes and went back to her slice of cake

“You could almost be pretty if you took better care of yourself” Molly said

Sophia just wanted to gag. Almost pretty. She was practically identical to her sister except for her big-bonedness. She had this conversation with her sisters almost on a daily basis. Like losing weight would make her bones smaller.

“And if you did something with your hair.” Megan said. Picking up a lock of Sophia's limp blonde hair. She had just slaved in the kitchen baking the cake and cooking supper, so of course her hair looked a bit frazzled

“You should let Danny come up with an exercise regime and diet plan your you.” Megan said

“You really shouldn’t eat so much calories.” Molly said eyeing the moist rich cake with disgust.

Sophia just felt her appetite disappear. This great baking and cooking and eating afterwards were some of her favourite things and her sisters had just took that away from her.

“I think I just lost my appetite.” Sophia said standing up.

“Good.” Molly said with a smug smile and she proceeded to dump the cake slice in the rubbish bin

Sophia’s heart broke as she watched her cake disappear.

“What did you say?” Naomi asked Luke not believing her ears

“I said it’s over.” Luke said feeling brave

Naomi’s usually beautiful face clouded over with anger. Her grey eyes grew dark and stormy. Her usually pale cheeks were flushed with anger

“I thought you said that.” She bit out trying to control her anger.

“Look it was fun while it lasted, but even you can’t deny these last few weeks felt like kind of a chore.” Luke said backing away from her. Naomi’s cool grey eyes, pale skin and straight black hair that were cut in a page bob were a big camouflage for the hot temper and passionate disposition she had. Usually Luke liked that passion because it made for some awesome make-out sessions and other things

“A chore? I felt like a chore?” Naomi's voice rose as she lost her battle against the anger.

“Yes also you kinda let yourself go.” Luke said eyeing Naomi's generous figure.

Naomi saw red at that statement, who there hell did he think he was. Before Luke could do anything Naomi punched him hard in the face and kneed him in the groin. “You’re right it is over between us.” She said to him. He was groaning on the floor in the foetal position blood running down his broken nose.

Alex and Zoë took out their books from the locker. There was one last period to go before the nightmare that is school was over. Alex looked up and saw Josh down the corridor. He was so tall and handsome with his blonde messy hair and large green eyes. She had known him forever because he was the twin brother of her friend Sophia. Alex had had a crush on josh ever since she could remember, but like a typical teenage drama he didn’t notice her. Actually that’s wrong he did notice her, but in an entirely wrong way as you will see now.

“What are you looking at loser.” Josh glared at her as he passed Alex and Zoë.

Alex felt her cheeks warm up with humiliation

“Jerk.” Zoë said under her breath

“What was that fatty?” Mark, Josh’s douche of friend actually they were both douche bags, asked cocking his one eyebrow up

“I said Jerk you douche bag” Zoë said not really caring what he thought

“You know you want some of this fatso.” Mark sneered at her

“No thanks, I didn’t ask Santa for STDs this Christmas, sorry” Zoë replied

“Like I could touch you fatty. My hang would probably get lost for decades in all that fat.” Mark said with a disgusted look and turned to walk away

“Next time take a picture it will last longer, weirdo.” Josh said to Alex before he followed his friend

Alex felt the tears well up in her eyes and she fought them back hard, just one more period and she was free for the day. She could do this she encouraged herself silently

“Don’t listen to them Alex, their idiots” Zoë said to her softly

“Yeah, idiots” Alex agreed

After a long tearful weekend venting and raging against the world and boys and slutty sisters we came up with the perfect solution: ASU

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