Chapter 2- Intel

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'I have an idea, but you may not like it' Ghost told me. 'I did some quick mapping of the area, and there is this huge compound, North east of here. It looks like a school, if we could get in, we could access their archives and learn more of this world.'

"By get in, what do you mean?"

Breaking in....exactly what he meant...well not so much of breaking in. We're hovering in our ship a few hundred feet above this 'school'. The idea is to jump out, and at the last second activate my glide to ease the fall.....i never really did like heights, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do.
Its nighttime, i zoom in with my rifle and quickly scan the area to see any activity. Nothing, they may have security systems, so backup plan is to run and jump off of the cliff and get picked up by the ship.

I look around through the scope and try to figure out what might either the head building or what looks like a library. At the center is this giant  tower, it is emitting some sort of green light, im assuming that that is the main building but lets call it 'Beacon tower'. It looks like a beacon so thats why.  In front of it is a large amphitheater surrounded by a double ring of colonnades, leading straight through this amphitheater is a large road leading to the main town, in front of the amphitheater is a statue of a man standing atop a rock with one of those wolf creatures i fought earlier.

Alright, enough scouting.
'Ghost change of plans, if this goes to hell, our first RV point is that statue, our fall back if it reaalllly goes to hell is the cliff. But as well i wanna try and get inside Beacon tower, that glowing green tower. I feel as if that place holds a ton of intel."

'Eeehh....alrighty then...' ghost said uneasily.

I jumped out, looking down i could see the ground coming to me very fast. I was about 50 feet from the ground when i decided to activate my glide. I activated, then let go and repeated 3 times to slow my descent. When i landed, i quickly ran and dove for the bushes, and waited. I scanned the area and listened to see if anyone would come out, or any sign of resistance.

'I think we're clear'

"Alright, lets enter and quickly try to find the archives or a library."

I ran to a building to the left of the amphitheatre. I followed the wall until i came to a door. I looked in but it was dark, a bit hard to see.


" may give away our position, can you scan it and get a small layout of how it looks?"

'Right, give me a moment.' Ghost appeared in front of me and i could see him scanning. A minute passed and he had the general layout. I had him project it at my mini map, and i followed. I entered the building and walked slowly, hand cannon raised and at the ready. I could see a little better, and i noticed a lot of doors in this hallway.

'I have the feeling that we are in a dorm...behind each door im counting 4 life signs. Well, behind this one on our left im getting 5....odd...we might be at an academy'

"So if we're at an academy, academies have libraries. So, which way?"

'Setting way point.'

The way point appeared on my hud. I moved a little bit faster but not too much. I passed through what looked like a general hall, lecture rooms and the mess hall. I stopped at 2 double doors, and looked inside. I could see that it was definitely the library. No one inside. I opened the door and crept inside. This library was huge, a huge hallway of tables and on either side, rows and rows of bookshelves. I found a row if tables with what looked like computers on them. Ghost appeared and instantly started to access it.

'Give me a few to gather intel.' I nodded and walked to the bookshelves. I glanced at the books, until one caught my eye....oddly enough....

"Ninjas of love?" I said quietly. I chuckled and put it back, i continued to glance at the books. I went back to ghost, but i stopped in my tracks. I listened, and i could hear the ever so slight shuffle of feet. I noticed that ghost heard it too. I quickly hid behind a bookshelf, and pulled out my hand cannon. Ghost had came back to me. I peeked around the corner, and saw a blond haired boy, with a sword and shield, and a red haired girl with a spear and shield, appear further down the rows.

They knew i was here, they were moving quietly and on guard. I got up and moved around to the back of the shelf and waited for them to pass, i moved quickly but quietly to the entrance, and slipped out. I moved to the center of the building, at the tower. There was an elevator that only went up.

"Do i risk it?"

'Well, we've been through worse...'

I entered and ghost activated it, we went up. When we stopped, we entered what looked like an office, with a glass rooftop with cogs and gears rotating. Near the back was window with a desk and chair, turned facing the window.

It turned, and i quickly drew my hand cannon on the man sitting in the chair. He had silver hair, brown eyes and glasses. He sat there with his hands under his chin. He looked me dead in the eyes and spoke "Do not be alarmed, i am your friend. Lower your weapon and let's have a chat.

-Authors notes-

So sorry for such a long wait for an update, i kinda lost some motivation to write this/ writers block. Ill try to update a bit more regularly and sorry for such a dull chapter...semi dull, hahaha


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