Well...yeah it was Jace...how dare he sends me that God Damn message after so long "Hey babygirl, wyd?"...LIKE NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED...Ok I have to calm down but I can't. After Fucking two weeks he sends me a not guilty message...anyway I answered

"Hey, I'm fine, you?"

"Yeah, I'm good."


"Ok...I know you're upset, I would be too, but please can you forgive me? I don't know what's going on with me...I never had this feeling of wanting wanting to protect someone so much...I don't know what it is!!! I feel confused, I get past hot girls like they are men, I can't stop thinking about you, I'm stalking you and I miss you...I really don't know how to deal with this..."

"You mean...love?!?! Yeah I have that feeling too...but just because you are confused doesn't mean you have to stop texting me or behave like I don't exist!!!"

"I know, I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, I forgive you. But never do this to me again, okay?"

"Ok, I promise...I LOVE YOU!"

"I love you, too..."

But the mistake was made...While Jace wasn't answering my messages, I had some interesting conversations with Jake. I know but I was upset on Jace...now my mind is broken in two...

However, weeks passed, Jake had three girlfriends in a month, I was really happy with Jace and everybody knew it and the things were starting to be normal again. Alaska was my bestfriend and we shared everything even the coffee and cigarettes and I don't share this things...and neither her...but yeah she is special and I can't let her leave me...she knows too much...

Well it al happened so fast and Halloween came, I was so excited...Me and my sophomore friend, Barbara planned everything...We buyed everything we needed: pizza, cakes, vodka, whisky, natural juices, some water and decorations of course like gravestones or spiders and made the best punch, we made a long playlist for the whole night and talked with the principal so the school was empty that friday night...NO teachers, NO adults, NO authority just the eighth graders and the freshmans...AWESOMEEEE! I'm sure we're gonna have fun 'cause me and Barbara planned everything from the smallest detail...

Both me and Barbara arrived earlier to see if everything was alright...Soon the people started to arrive and the fun begun. I had to say everybody had fun, including me...I didn't drink until than but it was awesome...Me and Cait drank until we started to be dizzy...there were this freshman guys who kept us safe...Steve was always around Cait and Alex was always around me...I found out that he likes me and I can't say he isn't handsome with that perfect blonde hair, blue ocean eyes and that muscles...mmmmmm...FUCK, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, but he is so far away I have to try...

He kept me alive...yeah cause if it wasn't him I had fallen from the third floor, get someone in hospital and fuck with Cait...HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE...anyways my mother noticed that I was drunk and made fun of me that the french fries were normal not purple as I saw them...I was right they were purple...don't ask!

After one week something happened and I broke up with Jace and Alex found out and was next to me to make me feel better...but I got back with Jace in the morning and I didn't tell anyone, neither to Alaska...and Alex kissed me...no big deal, you know ,that "IN A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP, ALL FOUR ARE HAPPY!!!"...Me and Alex didn't last for more than one week, broke up for another week, other two weeks and than broke up forever...I was just the heartbreaker I used to be before I met Jace, the difference was that I had a boyfriend but I was cheating...FUCK, I PROMISED MYSELF TO NOT TO THAT EVER...

Other weeks passed and it was december 10th when Jake asked me to be his girlfriend...Guess what I said yes 'cause what did I have to lose...I had a lasting boyfriend in paralel so I didn't want a long relationship just fun...

After two weeks I called Jace as happy as I could be and told him I was on my way to see him...but he was not right, his voice was betraying him...he was hiding something from me and I wanted to know what...

The night before he was at his best friend's house and he got high and drunk and a stupid bitch started to kiss and bite him...I was so angry and upset I wanted to kill that whore...I know I cheated on him but I don't know why I was so upset...So that's why he didn't answer my calls or my texts, but he left before anything worse happened an before that free whore could enjoy MY MAN!!!!

I finally have arrived to Bistrita and Jake has already cheated on me... They're all doing this to me and you're asking me why I DO IT!!! FAIR... Any way I broke up with him after month...I was the girl who was in the longest relationship with him...Doesn't matter 'cause I was about to see Jace after so many months and I was so excited...I missed him so much, but my mom won't let me go out until Christmas Eve...two more nights and three days until I see my beautiful boy...WTF!?!? I REALLY AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! SCREW OUR HEARTBREAKERS REPUTATIONS 'CAUSE WE ARE IN LOVE...We are almost 3 months together and we couldn't stop talking to each other...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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