The Thing That Came Out Of The Sky

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"Shit! We're surrounded!" We see all those goddamn locusts surrounding us everywhere from side to side and even our flank

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"Shit! We're surrounded!" We see all those goddamn locusts surrounding us everywhere from side to side and even our flank. Drones, grenadiers, snipers, therons, even bloodmounts with 'em.

"Everyone take cover!" We ran right into the back of a huge pile of sandbags.

"They're shooting from all sides!" Dom says as he tried to reload his lancer. I try to look up for a second but almost get shot in the head from a sniper rifle. Luckily enough for me, his angle was a little off and barely missed my ear. I got right back down to try to think of a plan.

"Yo, Marcus! Whats the big plan?!"

"I'm trying to think here goddammit!" I think for a moment as the locust keep growing near. I look up to see a foundation with a troika mounted on top of it. "Alright! I'm going to go out there and be a distraction, Dom and Jace, you guys go right up to that foundation and blow these motherfuckers to hell! Anya, Sam and Carmine, you guys cover me!"

"Roger!" everyone yells and gets to work. I catch my breath for a moment and head right into the chaos.

"I'm right here motherfuckers! Come and get me!"All the locust turn their attention to me. 

"Kill Human!" One of the theron guards yell and start shooting at me with all they got. I start returning fire with my lancer. I see a tree and take cover right behind it. Even behind the tree I could still feel all the bullets they're putting in it. I take a quick peek at the front and see drones coming for me in big numbers. I start shooting once again hoping to kill a few. The first wave of them goes down but i'm running out of bullets fast.

The locust grow closer and closer and i'm starting to run out of bullets. I grab my ammo pouch to get a new clip for my lancer but there wasn't any. "Shit!" I yell to myself in disappointment. I throw my lancer at the damn locust and take out my gnasher shotgun. They were getting pretty close so either way, I would have needed to take out my gnasher. I start shooting at the closest locust to me and kill them if not one but two shots. Pretty soon I was gonna run out of bullets for the gnasher too and when that happens, i'll be forced to use my snub pistol. I kill a few more until finally.......

"Go back to hell you pieces of shit!" Dom yells as he and Jace finally got to the troika. They mass murder all the locusts near me and focus on the bloodmounts. All I see is a manifest 

"Retreat!", All the locusts start retreating and going back in their holes. The sight of them leaving was a relief. 

"Marcus you all right?"

"Yeah, i'm alright."

"Marcus!" Anya runs out of cover and towards me as fast as she could.

"Thank god you're alright." Anya hugged me in relief. I look over and see the rest of the squad walking towards us.

"Tough as a rock!" Carmine exclaimed

"Yeah well, fighting grubs for years has a toll on you." I reply as i'm dusting my armor off. All the sudden.

"What the hell is that!?" 

I look up and see a big object flying out from the sky. It's very huge, the size of the giant reaver than Raam commands. It crashes a few miles from where we are currently stationed. 

"The fuck was that!?"

"Whatever the hell it was, it ain't human nor locust." Sam says just gazing at the crash site.

"Well I say we go investigate it, see who or what's in it." I say as I walk towards the direction of the crash. Everyone just nods in agreement except for Carmine who seems a bit worried. 

"Aww man, why do we have to investigate it?! What if it's aliens?!"

"Ahhh shut up Carmine, we've been fighting locust and lambent and your scared of aliens?" 

Carmine just looks down at the floor in disappointment. We got closer and closer to the crash site. We could see fire and burning trees in the distance. 

"There it is!" Jace exclaimed as we could see a large object made out of metal. It certainly did look alien and nothing that the cog or locust would make. We could see clear damage marks on it and a large hole that looks like it was made quite recently. 

"Alright everyone listen up! Dom and I are going to investigate the ship and the rest of you stay here and kill any grub that gets close!" I said just entering the ship. Everyone agreed and stayed behind while me and Dom searched the ship. We looked around and it already looked as if a conflict already happened. There was large scratch marks on the walls and a hole that had been disintegrated. 

Dom looked around, as if he were a bit spooked. "Damn, this place gives me the creeps man." From what I could tell, this ship or aircraft was made out of metal with some part's disintegrated or crushed. It was a long square shaped corridor that led to some rooms. One room in particular, looked like the door was ripped right off and I could see a green unknown substance on the floor. I bend down to the floor near the green substance. It almost looked as if it was glowing, with a bright green color to it. 

Dom came over looking at the damage, "What the hell are we dealing with here?" I could only look at him not knowing the answer. "Whatever it is, it ain't locust nor human, by the looks of it Carmine might be right, we could be dealing with aliens here." Dom looked at me with a bemused look on his face, "You're kidding right?" I looked back up at him, "Look, I'm just as confused as you here but, how do you explain all this? You know that neither human nor locust have come this far in technology. Dom only looked afar with no answer. I get back up and enter the room. Dom follows right behind me as we're about to investigate this room.

We see a large metal room, with a machine's that look like they're from the future. Mostly everything in here looked broken, but there was still some untouched tech. The further we went in though, the more damage had been done, and soon enough, we see something completely different. There was a creature or animal placed on top of a metal bed-like structure with what I could tell was some type of language at the bottom in red. From the moment I saw this, I knew that things were gonna turn volatile..........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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