Letter 2

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Dear My Best Friend,

You still are, and always will be.

But I shouldn't be thinking like that, you aren't gone, yet. And I hope not for a very long time. I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday. It was a mutual friend who introduced us, Casey; she was like a sister to you. 

She had warned me beforehand how you had the ego the size of the sun, which was easily seen by what you called yourself. 

Sexy Beast.

So, being me, I knocked you down a bit. Though you soon gave in with a roll of your eyes, "Whatever you say."

I miss that, our jokes, our laughs, our pointless debates, I miss you. Even though it's only day fourteen, it feels like a decade. Wow, don't I sound desperate? But at this point I don't care, I just want you back. I want for us to be able to laugh and horse around like best friends again. 

Is that too much to ask?

I wish I could talk to my best friend again.


Your BFF

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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