Chapter 3

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The next few days were extremely dull. If anyone entered the hospital wing, you had to pretend to be petrified still and the rest of the time, you had nothing to do. Fred, Dumbledore, Madame Pomfrey, Proffesor McGonagall, and your head of house, Professor Flitwick, were the only ones who knew about your recovery. They were not allowed to tell anyone. Fred had even been forbidden from telling George.

Until the mandrakes are ready, you would be stuck like this. You sleep, fake petrifaction, and get tested to learn how you recovered without the mandrake remedy. They couldn't seem to figure it out. Its awful. Fred feels bad for you so he has been stopping by for a visit everyday. He is the only thing keeping you sane right now because he talks to you about normal things instead of thinking you're petrified or treating you like you are some sort of fascinating new machine needing to be tested out.

The hardest times for you to fake your petrifaction are when George visits. Its already hard because he is one of your very best friends and he only makes it worse because he always sits by you crying which is really strange for the normally laughing pranking Weasley twin. He cries because he thinks that your petrifaction was all his fault and you cant tell him it wasn't. You want to tell him that, but you cant.

A few days ago, they brought Hermione in. Ron and Harry were so upset. The weirdest thing happened though. Ginny came in after Harry and Ron left crying. She walked over to where Hermione lay and whispered quietly, "I'm so sorry Hermione," then she started bawling. She went around to each petrified person and apologized to them sincerely. You couldn't comfort her or help her see that it wasn't her fault. How could it be? She wasn't even a Slytherin!

A few weeks after this, you heard a rumor that Ginny had been taken into the chamber of secrets. You hope its not true. You've done your research on that place and everything you've found has proved it to be a horrible evil place. If Ginny is down there, she wont be making it back.

Fred came in a few minuets after you heard the rumor with tears on his face. "(y/n)," he said and you could hear the pain heavy in his voice, "they took her. Ginny is in the Chamber of Secrets. She'll never make it out." You gasped and pulled him into a hug.

As if the news could get any worse! Then you hear Fred whisper sadly, "Harry and Ron went down there after him." You began to cry and you just sat there both of you sobbing in the others tight embrace.

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