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Tenerife sea

Edith Ambermathy leant her head against the textured wood of a dried up oak tree

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Edith Ambermathy leant her head against the textured wood of a dried up oak tree. It's leaves turning a yellow like green as the heat and drought got to everything around it. The grass was the color of sickly yellow tan as she flipped to the next page of her book. The old leather binding felt nice against her finger tips as she held the collection of pages with care. History of magic. Harry had leant her one of this Hogwarts books for she wanted to know everything about the world he lived in. The girl sighed as she remembered the countless nights they spent together talking about this magical world he lived in. And apparently he was quite a star as well. He told her stories of the adventures he had went on with his two best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Hermione being the brains of the group with brown curly hair, Ron a ginger just like she was. As she teased Harry for hours on how he had a thing for gingers, but all he could do was laugh at her jokes. He told her about the teachers he had at hogwarts, the ones that seemed to hate him no matter what he did. Or the ones he loved with all his heart, Edith knew that when Harry got to hogwarts he would be home. But there was still apart of her that wondered what would she feel like when he wasn't around for her anymore. Edith knew she was strong, she knew she was much capable in being away from her boy. But she had grown attached to his presence over the summer and it was hard to let go of something she enjoyed far to much. Her eyes leveled above the pages as she made a glanced towards the boy wizard himself, his old dirty colored sneakers rubbed against the dried up grass as he sat on a slowly moving swing. His eyes looking off into the distance as if he was in some sort of deep thought that Edith did not want to interrupt. He looked sad yet peaceful as he watched a mother pull her child away from the playground as the sky grew darker by the minute. Edith knew the pain Harry felt when he saw families for he never had one, he never had a real one. He never got to go to weekends fairs and eat sticky cotton candy, or play with the animals at the zoo. He never got to cry into his mothers arms when he had a bad dream. Edith would never know that pain as much as Harry did. The girl set her book to the side of her, making her way towards the boy who lived.

"Hey handsome, you alright?" She asked her voice so innocent so pure it made Harry smile. Her fingers swept a loose hair on his fore head to the side. As her other hand rested on his shoulder squeezing it lovingly.

"Yeah why?" Harry asked as his emerald colored eyes darted down towards his lap.

"You looked kind of sad all by yourself, I just thought you needed some company." Her cherry colored lips curled into a warm smile as her fingers fell down her side playing with The ends of her fiery colored hair.

Harry blushed as he bit the inside of his cheek, "I don't know what I'd be doing without you Ed-" before the boy could finish his sentence, he had been interrupted by a loud obnoxious sounding voice, loud foot steps followed the voice as Edith turned around stepping to the side to see Dudley Dursley and his band of misfits. The ginger rolled her eyes at the site of the group of boys not wanting to hear what they had to say.

Tenerife Sea ~ H.PotterWhere stories live. Discover now