Does He Know?

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Chapter I


"Babe, c'mon. Stay with me." Niall pouted as he pulled me on his lap as I was about to stand from the booth.

"But Niiiiaaaall, I want to go dance for a bit," I whined.

"Fine but on one condition." Niall says.

"What's that?"

"Kiss me."


I turned around in his arms and straddled his thighs with my legs, wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He immediately replied, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I let out a moan as he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip. Our tongue explored each others mouth before I experimentally pushed my arse down hard on his crotch. He let out a groan in my mouth and tighten his arms around me.

I grinned misheviously against his lips before starting to grind down on him, pretty sure if we didn't have clothes on it would look like I'm riding him. He let a quiet growl. I could feel himself hardening under me and thrusting his hips upwards looking for some friction.

"Ah ah ah," I tsked as I put my hands on his hips to keep him still. He let out a whine as he began licking down my neck. "I thought you wanted to snog, not fuck."

He hummed, making the skin of my neck vibrate. He began to suck furiously on my collarbone. I pushed his shoulder a bit, hoping to detached his lips from my skin but to no avail.

"Niall, yo-you know what I said about leaving marks." I tried to say sternly, but I was becoming a moaning mess.

He went up to my ear, taking the earlobe in between his teeth before speaking. "Wanna claim you, Li. Fuck you hard against this booth, let everyone watch that you're mine."

I whimpered at his words and as he began sucking on the spot under my ear, feeling my cock perk up a bit.

"St-stop Niall. I'm gonna go dance." I said as I finally detached his mouth from my burning skin. He nodded as he rested his back against the booth, all this while staring at my collarbone.


"Nothing." He smirked, his blue eyes sparkling in in the the neon lights. I ran my fingers over my collarbone before letting out a wince as my fingers trailed over a moisten new bruise.

"You dick! I told you no hickeys!" I said as pushed his shoulder roughly. I watched as he began to laugh, turning red. I let out a scoffed before untying his arms from my waist and standing up from his lap. I was about to walk away when a hand grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You deserved it for being a tease, grinding down on me like that. You're lucky it's a small one."

I gave him a glare before tugging my wrist free in one swift motion and turning around, letting the mass of body swallow me. I scanned the swarm of bodies grinding on each other before my eyes landed on a guy that was already looking at me.

I smiled at him before cocking my head a little to the side, getting my message he stood from the stool he was sitting on and made his way over me.

"Any particular reason, you were staring at me?" I said as I played with his collar. I glance my eyesight up, he was maybe two or three inches taller than me so I didn't need to look up that much. I smiled sweetly at him, waiting for an answer.

"N-no, I mean yes. I-I mean, want to dance?" He said awkwardly. I let out a amused smirk before nodding slightly. He let out a smile before resting his hands softly on my hips. I slide my hands away from his neck to rest them on his shoulders.

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