Blow You Away

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Chapter II

Blow You Away

Son of a bitch.

I was fuming, if it was possible my nostrils would be blowing steam.

He brought someone home.

The fucking nerve.

I stayed at Christian yesterday and this morning when I woke up I couldn't find my shoes so I looked under the bed and I found more than just my shoe. I found a used condom and pair of boxers that most certainly didn't belong to Christian nor me. While I was at the club yesterday, he was fucking. I knew he was cheating on me, but I just couldn't believe he had the nerve to bring him to our home. The place we share so much, but alas it was his house. He could do whatever the fuck he wants for all I care.

I munched on my last spoonful of cereal angrily as Christian came in with a pair of sweats and shirtless. I averted my eyes from his pale torso.

"Morin," He greeted groggily as he rubbed his fist into his left eye.

"Morning." I replied coldly, getting up and putting my bowl into the sink. I made a move to get out of the kitchen, but he put an arm on the doorway, blocking my only exit. I glared up at him, meeting his grey eyes.

"Can you please move your arm so I can go shower?"

"Not until you tell me why you're such in a bad mood."

"I don't have to tell you anything." I stated, hoping to go under Christian's arm. But he was too fast, he wrapped his arm around my waist and push me against the nearest wall.

"Yeah you do. Now spill."

I didn't say anything just kept my eyes trained on his chest.

"Liam, look at me."

I didn't want to, but I couldn't resist. I looked up at him and felt my breath hitch. He's so beautiful, with his black tousle hair and piercing grey eyes. As he leaned down, I got a view of his little freckles scattered over the pale skin of his nose and cheeks.

"I'm sorry." No I wasn't.

"I just have a lot of things going through my mind right now." That was true.

"I didn't mean to take it out on you." Yes I did.

He slowly nodded and smiled. I smiled back.

"I forgive you, if you give me a kiss."

Go kiss the bitch you were kissing yesterday I was tempted to say, but I bit my tongue to keep it in. Instead I just smiled and nodded.

He swooped down a catch my lips with his own. I places my hands on his chest. After a few seconds I pinched his nipple hard. He yelped.

"Oww! What was that for?" He screeched.

"I need to take a shower and you're distracting me. Have breakfast and change quickly or we're gonna be late for school."

"Yes mom," He grumbled, rubbing his nipple. I flipped him the bird before leaving the kitchen.

.   .   .   .   .

"Ugh, why do Mondays exist?" Christian whined as we got out of the car.

"Stop whining. This is the the second week of school, summer just ended."

"Hey I keep forgetting I'm a senior now! So Liam,  does it feel like to be dating a senior?" Christian asked wiggling his eyebrows and he wrapped an arm around my waist a we started to walk toward the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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