Chapter 6; Injury

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 Somehow I managed to pass week one. I was really nervous and scared, but overall I think I did fine. But fine isn't enough. Janel, Sadie and Alfonso were amazing when I was just fine. I am aware that fine isn't good enough for this show, so I needed to step out this week. The only problem is that I injured my ankle pretty bad, and it's getting worse. First I thought it was just a little injured, and that it will hill soon. But today as I woke up I could barely stand on it. I have no idea how am I going to dance today. But I know one thing for sure. I need to suck it up because I can't let Derek down. It was my fault and now I need to do everything that is possible to cover this up. I limp to me dresser and put on some leggings and white shirt with flower print. I put my hair into a messy bun and put some mascara on. I woke up earlier to go to the drug store to buy myself a wrapping form my ankle. I really hope that this will help and minimums my pain. I was in front of dancing with the stars studio and toke a deep breath before going in.

''ok, come on Bethany, you can do this, you can do this'' I opened my eyes and walk out of my car into the building. I was really early today so there were only a few people. I said hi to them and went to mine rehearsal room. I slowly went to the stairs that were there for sitting and relaxing and sit down. I walked into here without limping and I'm in terrible pain right now. Tears slowly start to form in my eyes. I take my shoes off and look down at my ankle. It was purple and swollen. Ok, I think that it may be a little bit of a bad injury. But I need to suck it up. I went to the center of the room and sit down. I was stretching when someone runs into the room. And of course it was Sadie. She's always happy. I don't know how she's doing it. She runs to my side and pop down next to me. She had a big smile on her face and I couldn't resist not smiling back.

''Guess what? '' she said excitedly.

''What?'' I said back

''I was talking to Jared and he told me that producers want us to have our own show on DWTS, how amazing is that??'' she said smiling even wider now.

'' Seriously??'' I said smiling as well

''Yeah, they want us to talk about the show, pros and our partners. So are you in?? ''

'' Of course I am ''


We talked for a bit and decided to name our show Badie. We talked about some other stuff as well until Mark showed up so Sadie needed to go. I was left alone waiting for Derek to show up. I'm already used to his being late habit so I continue to stretch. I completely forget my ankle and stand up way to fast. I could feel pain burning inside my and my vision becomes blurry.

''Babe, are you ok?'' I heard Derek worried voice and open my eyes only to see him rushing to my side. He steadied me and looked in my eyes confused. I smiled at him ignoring my pain. Oh boy I'm in for a looong day.

''Babe, what's wrong?'' he asked me again

''Nothing, I'm fine. I just get a little dizzy that's all'' I said with fake smile


''Ok so its turn, step, jump, turn '' he said while demonstrating each moves. We have been rehearsing for a couple of hours and the pain is getting impossible to stand.

I tried to repeat what he's been showing me but I slipped and fall down.

''You ok?'' he help me up and I nod. I could feel the pain spreading thru my body.

''Yeah I'm fine but I need to use a bathroom. I'll be right back.'' I said with a fake smile and walk out. I barley make it to the bathroom without screaming in pain. I don't know how long I could fake it.

-Derek's POV –

I was waiting for Bethany to return back. She's been acting weird today and I'm going to find out what's wrong.

''Yo man '' Mark said walking in

''What's up?'' I ask him taking a sip of my water

''What's going on with Bethany? '' he asked me worried

''What do you mean? ''

''I saw her going to the lady's room and I could swear she was limping?'' he said

''Are you sure?'' I asked him.

''Yeah'' I was shocked. Why didn't she just tell me that she was injured? I wouldn't push her so hard today. I can't believe that I didn't notice. Doesn't she trust me?

-Bethany POV-

I returned back at the studio and Derek was standing in the middle with his arms crossed on his chest. I slowly walk toward him trying to hide any limping or pain.

''stop'' he told me. I stopped and looked at him confused. He walks toward me and once he was close enough he picked me up and carried me to the stairs.

''Derek what are you doing?'' I asked him confused. He puts me down and kneels down beside me

'' Is there anything you want to tell me?'' he looked at me. His eyes were full with sadness and I couldn't take it anymore.

''I may or may not hurt my ankle a little bit during our performance on Monday.'' I told him looking down. I couldn't look him in the eyes.

''Beth...'' he said moving closer to me. He toke my hands in his and lift my chin so I was now looking at him.

''Why didn't you just told me?'' he asked looking at me softly

''I was scared'' I said looking down

''Babe.,don't ever hide something so important from me. You can tell me everything ok?'' he said whipping away my tears

''Can I look at it?'' I nod my head. He slowly looked down at my ankle. I was looking at him and he looked surprised.

''Beth, that doesn't look good. I don't know how are you even walking on this?'' he looked at me

''Well it hurts. '' I said

''You need to get MIR. Come on '' he said helping me up and picking me up.

''You don't need to carry me around, I can walk'' I said to him.

''There is n way I'm letting you walk on that ankle.''


The doctor told me that I need to take few days off and rest because my injury is really bad and It could get even worse if I don't take a few days off. I was now with Derek at his and Mark's place because he was insisting for me to stay at his place so he could watch over for me.

We were lying on the couch watching the movie when Derek suddenly wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer. I was lying on his chest with my head in between his shoulder and neck, and our legs crossed. I could feel his grip tighten and he place a firmly kiss on my forehead. I coddle into him and closed my eyes taking in his sent. His arms were placed at the small of my back driving patterns with his fingers. We stayed like that. No one said anything. I could feel my eyes getting heavier and I was slowly drifting to sleep. Before I feel deep in my sleep I heard him said

''God night beautiful.'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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