Galactic Pizza

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I don't get the idea of school. I would rather just stay in my nice bed next to my huge window where I can see everything. I have my laptop and I could just watch Flix and hang with my kitty Luna. I have Galactic pizza on speed dial and they have my order on the back of their hand. School gets in the way of everything, I understand my parents want me to be successful and stuff but I get so stressed. The only thing I enjoy at school is writing, being able to search through my mind and just type it out. I wish I could just take a year off school and just go on a trip with a group of people I like. That's basically what I think about every school night instead of doing the heaps of homework.

Mornings only suck on school days but this morning wasn't too bad. Then I realized it was Saturday morning. I probably laid in bed for two hours listening to music and staring out my window. I wish I could do that all day but I have dance. I walked down the same gorgeous path through the park. I'm more in love with nature then even thinking about being in love with anyone else. The sunlight seeping through the blue leaves of the Eugin Tree. A tall wide blue tree that casts a shadow over all of the other blue and green trees. My favorite type of tree is probably the Ignite Tree, because it's a dark colored tree that had small fragments of diamonds in it and when the light hits it just right it looks like stars.

Dance is also another place where I can express myself. Jazz, ballet, tap and modern all day till 5 pm. It goes in that order but to be fair my favorite is modern that's why I save the best for last. I get off the day with the memory of an amazing dance going through my head like a swirling with moving through my thoughts. Probably my favorite morning to wake up on is sunday mornings, I get to teach my sunday morning modern class. I'm so glad I get to have a job I enjoy, brings the stress out of college.

As I walk home I hear whispers coming from the parks forest. I stopped and stood, "boss said she had blue skin with the four dots but I can't get a close look!" I realized they described me. I turned and ran for it hoping these whispers wouldn't follow me, it couldn't be good because whispers were only sent out for a life changing thing; and I like my life how it is. Luckily my rap music came on so I kept my fast pace and got out of there. I could hear the whispers behind me, "look! She's getting away we need to catch her or boss will give us the worst!" I couldn't let them catch me and change my life!

I ran by a empty shed and decided to hide in it. These whispers were too stupid to even think about looking in a shed for me. I saw that there were three and they stopped at the she, "I bet you thought we were too stupid to think you would hid in a shed hu?"

"Why are you coming after me?!"

"So our boss said there was something special about you so he sent us out to give this dagger, bow and arrow and feather to you."

"Okay, but how am I the special one?"
"Our boss knew your parents, till that sad accident happened. May they sleep soundly in carest."

"You knew my parents.... Oh well I'm sorry I was so hard to track down."

"It wasn't hard, this thing takes us to you, I have no idea why but it does."

I stepped out of the shed to see the three whispers. They had a collar in there hands that apparently led them to me. The others had the items they said were for me. They handed me the three items. The feather was from one of the most rarest birds in the world, it was my father's favorite. The dagger had my mom's favorite jule in it. The bow and arrow had my name carved into it and it was decorated with my favorite color. "What do you mean "I'm special"?"

"Your parents were guardians of the three layers, and a monster from the second as you know killed them."

"Yeah, I know. But why have you been looking for me?"

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