spend the night

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you hear your text alert go off and pick up your phone, "fuck" its 2:43 and you are supposed to meet ethan at the fair at 3:00. the fair is about 20 minutes away and you begin to panic, the text is from ethan.

"hey, you're still coming right?"

"of course" you think to yourself "why would i blow him off"

"yes i might be like THREE minutes late probably a little more I'm so sorry ill be there as soon as i can"

you pick up your backpack and phone and throw on a jacket. as you're driving you begin to panic as you forgot the cash you took out of the back for tickets and everything "shit"

"hey uhh i forgot my money for everything i'm so sorry ill be there asap ugh"

"hey its fine ill pay for you"

he replies almost immediately

"no no its fine ethan ill go get money"

"i'm lonely just hurry up ill pay for you"

"lonely" you think, its only- ITS THREE-FIFTEEN WHAT. you speed your way to the park and pull into a spot. quickly getting out of your car you run up to where ethan said you and him would meet. you come up behind him and tap him

"wh- oh hi, i was just about to buy our tickets"

"i feel bad for forgetting my money im really-"

he cuts you off by shoving his hand onto your mouth

"it. is. fine."

you frown. "no its not" you think.

"come on y/n, lets go ride some shit"

he grabs your hand and runs to a fun house then a slide then a swing then this and that ride after ride game after game until it gets dark. you're sitting sharing a funnel cake when the lights on every ride lights up.

"woah", he says quietly

"hey, wanna ride the ferris wheel?"

NO. NO NO NO. "those things scare the fuck out of me" you say inside your head

"uhh yeah sure," you nervously laugh "i would do anything for him" you think

you get on the ride and it gets to the very top. holding his hand the whole time and squeezing it because the ride stops at the top.

"fuck" you whisper

"do you not like these?" he says timidly

"uh no haha not really its okay though" your eyes closed

"hey," he says calmly "look at me its ok"

your eyes open and everything is a magnificent Sea of color, color swirling around your head colors turning here and there all the rides are going fast but everything is slow when you look at him. you notice your breath quicken and he grabs your other hand.

"its ok just keep looking at me ok"

you feel like throwing up when you look away but the second you see his eyes the world seems to stop spinning. everything to worry about doesn't matter anymore and everything suddenly comes back to you. the fun house, the swings, the cotton candy getting stuck on his nose, you blushing when he compliments you in the night light. your eyes are closed and everything is peaceful.

you are in love with him, aren't you

"you made it"

the ride stops and the person running it is beginning to usher you off. you quickly hop off the cart and ethan follows.

"hey, uhm uh, are you ready to go home or you wanna stay?"

"im pretty tired" you say

"thats okay i was jus- nevermind, i had a fun time ill see you l-"

"no," you cut him off "what were you going to say?"

he blushes and scratches his arm shyly "spend the night with me? i'll make it worth your while."

all the sudden you're getting in his car not caring that you're leaving your car there and it will probably get towed, not caring you need to let your dog out. you are completely taken away by him and all he is the only thing thats important.

he opens the door and you walk in. he walks behind you.

"do you just wanna sleep you said you were tired"

"yeah kinda"

"ok lemme go get bed stuff for me to sleep out here" he gestures to the couch.

"wait no ill sleep down here you aren't gonna sleep on the couch what"

"you're not sleeping on the couch i will its fi-"

"if you're gonna be difficult then we will both sleep in your bed. because you aren't sleeping down here and you're not letting me sleep down here so"

he smirks, "fine"

you both head up to his room and he opens the door, you look at his computer and his home screen is a selfie you two took at marks birthday party. you blush and smile, he looks at his computer and looks at you "thats weird, isn't it?"

"no," you smile "its cute"

"o-oh uhhh, fuck" he mutters

you giggle looking at him with the deepest admiration in the world. you both lay in the bed and talk for what seems like 5 minutes, you look at the clock and its been 2 hours. you turn back to him and he's facing you smiling, you look in his eyes and smile as big as you can.

"did i make it worth your while?" he asks whispering


"i said spend the night with me and i will make it worth your while, did i?"


he kisses you and you wake up, you sit up and look beside you. confused you walk downstairs and smell bacon

"good morning sunshine!" ethan turns around and pulls you close to him by your waist. "whatcha dream about?"

"the night you asked me out"

"oooooo thats a good one" he smiles

"yeah wish i could experience it all over again"

"fairs coming to town this weekend, wanna reenact?"

"yah" you say and rest your head on his chest as he kisses your forehead

"i love you"

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