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Short Kihyuk because why not eh XD

Mainly fluffy :D

3rd Person POV

Cataplexy is a condition where when someone feels certain or all emotions at a high level they faint. It is not curable but with time and money it can be temporarily treated.

Cataplexy is not unheard of but it is hardly understood and most people never see someone have a Cataplexy episode. Minhyuk is one of those people, living life in blissful ignorance.

One seemingly normal day Minhyuk goes to the park. While he is just casually walking as a warmup before his run he happens to see a unique boy standing under one of the larger trees. While nothing is too fascinating about the boy Minhyuk is unable to look away.

He is a shorter male with light pink almost pastel hair. The boy is looking down at a book reading it intensely oblivious to the outside world.

Minhyuk begins to jog but keeps an eye on the other. When Minhyuk is nearing the tree and getting close to running behind it to continue his run he sees something out of the corner of his eye.

A brown football was traveling fast at the boy. Minhyuk quickly ran in front of the boy and caught the ball stinging his hand a little. He threw it back to the embarrassed teen before turning to the boy.

The boy was staring at him wide eyed with his mouth open.

"It's fine, just be care." Minhyuk said going to leave but the boy's eyes closed and he fell to the side.

Minhyuk quickly caught the boy in shock looking at his unconscious form. What the hell? The ball didn't even hit him...

Gently Minhyuk laid him on the ground keeping his head propped up in his lap. Within a few minutes the boy stirred awake and looked at Minhyuk his cheeks turning red.

"Sorry." The boy said looking down his knuckles going white.

"It's fine, don't freak over it but can I ask what happened?" Minhyuk spoke carefully.

"You're going to laugh... I just can't control my emotions." The boy explained looking away from Minhyuks gaze.

"So they make you faint?" He asked still utterly confused.

"Yeah, it's a condition I have that makes me faint when my emotions get too high..." He explained biting his lip.

"What's your name?" Minhyuk asked smiling.

"Why do you want to know?" The boy asked worried.

"Because I want to keep talking but I don't want to call you fainting goat forever." Minhyuk said smiling widely.

The boy just rolled his eyes but smiled a tiny bit. No one ever wanted to stay after finding out he was weak.

"Kihyun..." He said after a minute looking at Minhyuk for the first time since they started talking.

"I'm Minhyuk!" Minhyuk said happily shaking Kihyun's hand.

"Want to come over to my house?" Minhyuk asked and Kihyun nodded slowly.

They started walking to his house when Minhyuk decided to break the silence.

"So how come I never see you at the park?" Minhyuk asked wondering if the boy was new.

"I don't leave my apartment much incase I have an episode..." Kihyun said shrugging his shoulders.

Minhyuk frowned finding it awful that Kihyun couldn't experience his emotions in full.

"Is it possible for you to be able to feel the full emotion without passing out?" Minhyuk asked as they entered his bedroom ignoring his roommates curious eyes.

"I guess but I'd have to be able to calm down or feel relaxed pretty fast." Kihyun explained looking at the floor in thought.

"What if I help you to be able to calm down?" Minhyuk asked and Kihyun froze.

"I guess you could try..." He answered weakly.

Minhyuk smiled before thinking deeply, he didn't know how to get Kihyun to experience an emotional high.

"Let's watch a scary movie." Minhyuk suggested and Kihyun hesitantly agreed.

After watching for 20 minutes the first jump scare happened and Kihyun jumped back grabbing his chest as his breathing quickened.

"Hey, it's okay it's just a movie. Look at me okay?" Minhyuk instructed pulling Kihyun's face towards his. Kihyun tried nodded but slowly his eyes closed and he crumbled into Minhyuk's arms.

Minhyuk held him gently while he thought of a way to make Kihyun not feel scared.

They continued working at it for a few weeks going through every horror movie Minhyuk had in the process. One day they were watching TV when a scary commercial came on abruptly scaring both of them.

Kihyun's breathing quickened and Minhyuk quickly decided to try a different tactic. Maybe he could stop the first episode by creating a different emotional high.

So quickly but gently Minhyuk held onto Kihyun and pressed his lips to the others. Kihyun's eyes widened but they stayed open as they gently kissed each other.

Once they pulled away Minhyuk smiled proudly.

"I did it." He said smiling as Kihyun began to blush a deep red.

"Jerk." He said covering his cheeks.

"Just because I did it so you wouldn't pass out doesn't mean I didn't have feelings behind it." Minhyuk said causing Kihyun to freeze again.

"Don't...." Minhyuk said pulling Kihyun into him and holding his close to his heart.

"Just listen to my heartbeat." He instructed and Kihyun did so smiling at the soft beat it created.

"I have feelings for you as well." Kihyun mumbled after a few minutes.

"Good, because you're my fainting goat." Minhyuk said earning a slap to the back of the head from Kihyun who was smiling nonetheless.

Only 884 words but it's been a rough evening so it's the best I can do with my mood lmaoo

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