Chapter 14

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The voices came again, along with a lot of pain, though strangely enough not in his back as he expected but in his shoulders and his head. Callen blinked as he woke up, his head bandaged and pain throbbing.

"G... come on man, come back to us."

"Dallas?" he asked groggily.

"Dallas?" Sam's voice cut through the gloom, "You're waking up finally and you're asking for the cheerleaders?"

"What?" Callen asked confused. He moved, the cannula in his hand pulling as he tried to lift himself up. He opened his eyes and groaned as Sam sat next to his bed. "Am I under arrest?" He asked.

Sam looked over at Hetty who was sat silently in the corner, "How hard did he hit his head?" he asked with a slight smirk, relieved his partner was finally awake.

"My head's just fine." Callen snapped, then he groaned as pain shot through his head. "Ow! What happened? Did I get shot?" he asked.

"Nope, building blew up." Sam replied.

"Where's Dallas?" Callen asked, worried.

"Texas?" Sam asked.

Callen glared at him, "Don't be funny; Dallas Alder, where is he?"

"Still in prison I guess." Sam looked over worried at Callen, something seemed off. "Why you so worried about him?"

"I..." Callen looked at Sam, "You're the fed? You killed...damn..." Callen's hands reached up to rub away the pain in his head.

"G?" Sam looked worried, "Of course I'm a federal Agent, you are too remember? You're my brother..." He stopped as Callen flinched, an angry look crossing his face.

Hetty moved as she listened to the conversation.

"Mr. Callen, can you tell me what you remember?" She asked.

"You lied to came into my life at fifteen and you betrayed me." The hurt in his voice was unmistakable, "Dallas was there when I was in prison after the cops arrested me for stealing that car and escaping from Juvie."

"You were never arrested." Hetty told him, "I was there when the car hit the light pole and I took you in, you called me short and I told you that you had potential, you were taken from the system and given a fresh start with me."

Sam, although he had heard some of the story, was surprised to hear it confirmed by Hetty.

Callen shook his head and winced with the pain, "You weren't there, I was arrested, I went through hell that made juvie seem like a summer camp. I met you just before I was gonna get released. You left me in Fulsome and it if wasn't for Dallas I'd be dead."

Hetty sighed, she knew that if she had not been there for Callen on that day, he probably would have ended up in Fulsome. "Stay there while I get a doctor Mr. Callen." She said and stood up.

Callen sighed, "So I am under arrest." he said to himself and closed his eyes. Ma and Kaylee were dead, Dallas was back in prison and he had lost everything. Maybe his life would have been better if Hetty had been there when he crashed that car, maybe his life would not have been destroyed.

Sam watched his partner carefully, he was unsure what was going on in that head of his partner and friend, but he was not happy with the looks of distrust and hatred he was throwing in his direction. This was not his brother, this was a stranger, but Callen knew who he was, so he had not lost his memory. What had happened in that building to make Callen suddenly hate him so much?

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