Day One

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I wake up, very short of breath. I stands up and stumble to the bathroom down the hall staring in the mirror I notice red blotches on my face. "This has been occurring for about a month now. I think it's time to go and see a doctor" I mumble to myself.

Walking down the stairs I yell out for my mum.
"Mum I need to go to a doctor" i exclaim
"Why what's wrong?" My mum Jennifer says
"You know I haven't been feeling well for about a month now mum, can we please go to a doctor I want to make sure nothing is wrong" I plead
"Okay, okay be ready in half an hour" Mum says sternly
"Thank you mum" i reply
***an hour later***
My mum and I are sitting in the doctors office now waiting for the doctor to call my name. I sit there nervously playing around with the hair tie on my wrist. Suddenly I hear my name and jump a little.
"Scarlett Lovato?" The doctor says as he looks around for a response.
I stand up and respond by saying "yes"
He walks me to his office and I sit down.
"So what's been happening?" the doctor questions
"Well I've been getting headaches everyday, I've been dizzy, out of breath and very week" I reply
"Okay I think we will get you a few tests" he replied
"Alright" I  say nervously.
The first test I'm getting done is a blood test. I'm told to lay down with my arm out whilst they stick a needle into my vein. I turn my head to face it and I see my blood going through the needle to the little tubes that have my name and date of birth printed on the front.
I start to feel a little nauseous, just as this feeling comes on they take the needle out and give me a biscuit to eat to raise my sugar levels back up. I'm told that I have to wait about three days until I get the results back. That makes me even more anxious.
Next I get a cat scan to see if there is anything wrong with my brain.
The cat scan scares me as it's very loud and I have to lay completely still for a long period of time.
I'm so relieved when it's finally over.
Now the wait is on for the results.
"Let's cross our fingers and hope it goes well" my mum says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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