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*All credits to this story go to @royalqueens on instagram, one of they're edits gave me this idea:)* Hi, I'm Victoria, I hope you enjoy this story!


People say I'm different. People say that I see things that aren't real, but I disagree with them. I guess I do see things differently than most people, I see beauty in things that usually others wouldn't find as beautiful. I'm Harry, a boy from Holmes Chapel. I grew up there, never popular in school, but rather very interested in writing. I guess that's what made me 'different' from the rest of the people at my school. When I was sixteen my mum got into a plane crash.... she died, it was tragic for both me and my sister, Gemma. Long nights crying in our dad's arms, well mostly her.

I miss her, that strong woman that I got to call mum everyday gave me strength, she always told me to ignore the bullies, but somehow she also knew and felt that I was different. I just know that she thought that. Since her death, me and my sister bonded more, when I turned eighteen, we left my dad's house and lived together on our own. 

I now work at a coffee shop in this town, we moved to Liverpool, England to be exact. Almost everyday after work, I drive to an old lodge I found when we moved here. It's small, but perfect to do my writing. I've also learned to love photography and sailing. Next the the small lodge is a bay that leads to the ocean. I love to get on my small sailboat and go around taking pictures of the beautiful clear water, the trees in the distance, the fish that will sometimes jump out of the water. 

I'm at work now, and about to finish my shift. 

"Hey Harry!" a voice calls to me from the door of the small shop. 

"Hi Emma," I respond to my friend, who is on after my shift. I look up to give her a small smile while i clean down the tables. 

"Any plans for today?" 

I dont really like to tell people of my after work activities, only Gemma. 

"Um I don't think so, I think Gemma said something about an early dinner," I chuckle. 

"Oh thats cool," she says as she wraps her apron around her waist. I've always thought Emma was beautiful, her slim but tall figure, blonde hair, green eyes go perfectly with her sweet personality. 

I give her a small nod. I'm also not one to talk much, I really only talk to Gemma, Emma knows this, or she's noticed at least. 

"Ok, I think it's time for my shift," I look around the shop and see three costumers. Then I look at her and she smiles at me. I pull the apron off my body, and wrap it. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," I wave at her as I walk out of the shop. In my arms is my camera in its case, my journal, a pencil and my apron. I decided to leave my car at home and rode my bike instead. I put my stuff in the basket and start for the lodge. 

When I arrive, the door opens with a creek, I cringe at the sound and make a mental note to fix it. Ever since I found this place, I cleaned it up a bit, I got rid of the old furniture and put in new ones, a table, couch, some lamps, you know the necessary. I put my stuff on the table and walk out side with my camera. This lodge is located next to a forest, which I usually go in to take pictures. As I walk, I take pictures of the birds flying around, or squirrels that cross my path. 

I walk further and spot my sailboat. I start back to the lodge, but take a turn towards the dock. I get on the sailboat and turn it so it hits the wind. Sailing really calms me down, gets my mind off things. I think about my mum, and how she was the first one to take me sailing when I was fifteen. I look up to the sky and smile, it's a beautiful day. As I guide the boat along the shore, careful to not go out of the bay, I take in my surroundings, I spot some burnt trees in the forest. I was told that there was a small fire years back, part of the forest was burnt, and I'm thankful that not the whole thing burnt down. 

I get closer to the trees to take pictures. I grab my camera and take the lense off, I bring the camera up to my eye and zoom in. 

"So pretty," I whisper to myself. I take a couple of pictures and look at them closely. I smile and look around. I spot a rock on the other side of the shore. On the side its all forest, no humans, just plants. As I look closer at the big rock I spot something move. I try to focus on the object, I see a tail, like a dolphin. No something else, a seal? Its longer, so not a seal either. I grab my camera and change the lense to a bigger zoom quickly. I zoom in and see something that is defiantly not an animal. The rock is too far away to tell exacly what it is. 

I suddenly start to panic, I have no idea what that is, but I know it's not an animal, I'm not sure if I'm seeing stuff like people say I do, but I see a head, with hair. long brown hair. What? I get really curious and put my camera down, and start the boat towards the unknown creature. I'm careful not to get too close, but close enought to tell what it is. 

I see the head again, and then I see tan arms, it looks like a human. Maybe it's a girl swimming with a dolphin. I have seen dolphins around here so maybe. I grab my camera again and start taking pictures. The creature sinks into the water and then I see a long gold tail. No, it's can't be. I've always heard about mermaids, but never thought they were real. If what is infront of me is not an illusion, I just saw a mermaid. 

The water is clear, I see the golden tail swim around, I see its long brown hair, and tan arms swim towards me. I start to panic again, I've heard that mermaids are dangerous but this creature doesn't seem harmful. I stay quiet as the creature is only a few feet from my boat. It's head pops up and I see, not a harmful creature, not a fish, in front of my eyes I have a beautiful girl, with sparkling blue eyes, brown hair, pink lips, tan body... and a gold tail. 

Hiiiiiii, as I said in the beginning, all creds go to @royalqueens on instagram. I really hope you like this story, remember to vote and comment. (sorry for any errors) 


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