Chapter 1

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I was in shock. I couldn't move, I think I'm dreaming. What is in front of me can't be real. I took two steps backwards putting my camera down. I didn't dare to move. I stared at the creature, it, or should I say she is staring back at me. She tilts her head to the side as if questioning. I start breathing faster, my heart rate picks up. I take one more step backwards and rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She's still here when I open my eyes. 

She sinks into the water until only her blue eyes are showing above the surface, brown hair floating above. She stays still, as do I. She completely sinks into the water and I see the golden tail swim under my boat. I have no idea what she will do. I quickly grab my life jacket and clip it on. I walk to the other side of the boat to see if she has appeared. 

Then I saw the tail above the surface. She didn't flip my boat which is a relief. I see the creature swim around, showing off almost. I swear I'm dreaming. But I'm not. She lifts her head above the water once more and get closer to the boat. I can she her face clearly. I see a beautiful face. She blinks and turns her head to the side, then blinks again and looks up at me tilting her head once more. I give her a smile to see her reaction. 

If I weren't mistaken shes trying to be friendly. Once I smile at her, she returns a white smile and turns with joy. I chuckle, this cannot be a mermaid, people make out mermaids to be dangerous non-existant animals but this girl in front of me seems the complete opposite. 

I keep testing her out, giving her small waves which she returns, I run my fingers through my hair and she immitates me. Neither of us make noises besided me laughing. The mermaid sinks into the water again, and swims to the back of the sail boat. I walk slowly back there and she leans her arms on the platform that is only a couple of inches raised from the water. I open the small door and sit on the step watching her tap her hands on the platform. 

I get up and she snaps her head towards me, I lift one finger telling her to wait, like an I'll be right back kinda thing. I get my camera, and walk back towards her. I sit on the step and she's swirling her finger in the water, I turn my flash off and lift the camera to my eye to snap a picture of the beautiful girl. 

Once she hears the click of the camera, her head turns to me with wide eyes and sinks underwater. Oh no. I quickly stand up, my eyes searching for her. After a few minutes the top of her head appears, and blue eyes look at me, I hold my camera in one hand, showing the screen to her. I delete the pictures of her and motion with my hand that they're gone, hoping she'll understand what I mean. 

I put my camera away and get closer to her, crouching down. She rests her arms back on the platform, I copy her actions by putting my hand next to her arm. She looks at my hand, then at her own. She lifts her hand looking at her palm, then facing it to me. I once again copy her actions, showing that I won't harm her. I put my hand down and she looks into my eyes. 

"Can you talk?" I ask her in a quiet voice. 

She eyes are wide at the sound of my voice, but she looks away from me. 

"Can you understand me?" I ask, getting curious. She nods. I smile. "I'm Harry," I extend my arm, wanting to shake her hand, treating her as a normal person. She looks at my hand then up at me, debating whether to shake it or not. I feel her cold hand touch my own and she smiles. 

I stand up not really knowing what to do. I take a risk and get my camera again, not to take pictures but to show her the pictures I've taken. Her eyes are wide as she sees what I went to get. 

"I'm not going to take pictures," I say and cover the lense with my hand. I squat down next to her and show her pictures of birds, plants, fish, dolphins, you name it. Her cold fingers touch my hand that is covering the lense, and she gives me a smile. I'm confused of what to do, she tilts her head to the side, still smiling. 

"Can I take a picture of you?" I ask still unsure. She nods. 

I lift the camera to my face and take a couple of shots. I turn the screen to her so she can see the pictures as I take them. I'm now sitting criss-cross, and she swims in circles showing off her tail. I chuckle  as she does this. She comes back to me and extends her arms on the platform with her chin on it. I stand up and look at the sky noticing it was getting dark. 

"I think I should get going, it's getting dark," she frowns.

"You see that little house over there?" I point at my lodge. She nods. "I go there almost everyday," I smile at her. Her frown immediately turns into a wide smile. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask unsure if I will see her. She nods once again. I smile and she lets go of the boat and swims backwards. I turn my sailboat looking for wind to go back to shore. I start to go towards the lodge looking back as she swims to the rock, her gold tail coming out to the surface. I smile at myself still not believing what just happend. 

I get on my bike and ride to mine and Gemma's apartment. It's not a long ride, about ten minutes. I lock my bike to a pole and search for my keys in my pocket. I walk up the stairs to the fifth floor, and unlock the door. I check my watch and see it's 6:45 pm. 

"Gemma?" I call out. 

"In my room!" I hear her voice. I walk to her room, placing my belongings on the kitchen counter. 

"You won't believe what happened today!" I exclaim wanting to tell her about the mermaid. I know I shouldn't but I want to so bad. 

"Let me guess, a couple of squirrels jumped over your head," she said laughing. 

"No, something that only happens in movies," 

"What do you mean?" she says giving me her full attention. 

Should I tell her? Or keep this to me? 

"Here I'll show you," I say walking to the kitchen to get my camera. 

Here it is! Hope you like it, I'm sorry the chapters are short, I'll make them longer as I go on. Vote and Comment :) 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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