Chapter One

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I woke up. My tired eyes parted open slowly as I heard the ringing and dinging of my alarm.
I quickly shut it off groaning at the annoying sounds. I reached up to my blue glasses and slowly slipped them on.
Then I grabbed my 3 bottles if pills. Vitamin B, prednizone,and sulfasafazate. I threw off my soft purple blanket and my silk red and white blanket and got up.
I walked over to my neatly folded clothes and stripped off my shorts and put on pants. Then I slipped on my orange sweatshirt and walked out my room.
As I got out I saw no one was awake and the clock read 8:00am. Dang
I said to myself silently.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my little brother appear from behind the fridge.

"What are you doing little chicken butt eh?" I said walking over and picking him up into my arms holding him tightly.

"Hmm nothing" he said smiling and clearly showing he was into some big trouble.

I put him down and opened up the wooden cubboards where I knew I would find food. I looked around and finally spotted the oatmeal. I pulled out two packets and poured them in the bowl. Once I was done I cooked it. Then I poured some raspberry iced tea into a black mug and began taking my medicine.
Then I heard a door open and saw my other brother Justin. He appeared around the corner rubbing his eyes.

I finished up my breakfast and went to my chores I cleaned off the table scrubbing the dry yet sticky jelly from my sisters spot.
Then I voluntarily made my mom some coffee.
Once it was done I neatly made a note and set the coffee down with it inside her room where I was her sleeping silently next to my step dad matt.

I then walked back into my room setting my bottles of medicine back down on the windows edge. Then I grabbed my school laptop and began school work.


I sighed.

I slowly closed my laptop up and read the time as it closed.


I got off my bed and got dressed I slipped on my pierce the veil shirt and some black leggings.

Then I walked out of my room towards the kitchen I started up some water on the stove and opened up my cheddar cheese noodle cup.
I walked over to the sink seeing my sister wash the dishes I talked to her.

"So hanging in the habitat today?" I said with a smirk.

"Um sure sounds fun". She had set down a plate in between the racks when suddenly I heard the popping of Bibles and noticed the water was boiling rapidly. I took it off and turned off the stove then I poured in the water and let it cook the noodles.
Then I silently waited for aurora to be done with the dishes. Once she was she popped in her breakfast,ate it, then I followed her into her room where we sat onto her bed. I turned on the ps3 and she quickly grabbed her crime book.

" gonna video chat with Elijah?" I asked as I popped in The last of us game.

"Hm maybe I don't know. Depends what he says. I would like to though." I nodded and started to play.

I went and left the room.

I could not believe it.

I was beyond upset and mad.

45 minutes ago

"Hey giiirls what you up to?" My mom said poking her head into the room.

"Well i-"
"Well Bryann is playing and I am coloring". Aurora said cutting me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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