Honorable Hoenn - Part One

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"Now be careful, Yokai. There are very dangerous Pokemon out in those forests." My grandma Brie warns as I step out the backdoor.

"You grandmother is right," Grandpa Drai adds. "Make sure Louie is with you the entire time."

"Well he's never ran away before.." I say quietly. "Right Louie?" The three of us look at the Jolteon, who appears alert and ready to roam the forests of the backyard.

"We know you are familiar with the woods, but we don't know what will happen now that you are going to be catching your own pokemon." Grandma tells me cautiously.

"And don't try to catch anything too difficult. You only have one pokeball so don't waste it."

"Okay!" I close the door and run to the trees with my father's Jolteon following me closely, our feet barely touching the ground as we sprint across the yard. "What do you think we should catch Louie?" I grin and turn to the yellow dog-like creature as he bounds up to me. "Grandma already told me the Lovedisk in the river don't make good pets. So what about a Caterpie?" I look around as we enter the lush forest, full of deep greens and browns broken only by the occasional bright-colored pokemon and small openings of light blue skies. "I would love to have a Butterfree!" Spearow suddenly cry out from near by and I watch as the flock flies above the trees. "What's their problem? I've never seen them act like that." I notice small collection of other pokemon beginning to leave too. I go to the river that flows down from the mountains and it appears lower than the last time I looked at it a few months ago. The Lovedisk aren't happily swimming along the current as they have in the past. "We should go investigate, Louie. I think if we follow the river we might find out what's going on." I take the lead up the river shore.

After some time, Louie begins to bark. "We can't go back yet, I haven't gotten to see what's going on. There's something right up ahead, so let's just go see what's there." I continue to urge the Jolteon to follow me as I approach the shadow in the distance ahead. As I get closer I see a few Bidoofs and Bibarels scattering around as more are scrambling around their dam in a seemingly pointless attempt to repair the wooden home. "Should we try to help them Jolteon?" I yelp a little when the leaks begin to become more apparent. "It doesn't look like that is an option at this point! Let's head back home!" I turn on my heels and pause when I see a pure white pokemon standing in the shadows of the trees. The creature looked at me with its bold red eyes standing out from its dark blue skin. The breeze makes the white fluff on its chest wave gently, and then as fast as I could see it... it vanishes into the trees. "Louie what was that?"

The Jolteon merely barked a response. "I should catch it!" I jump into the shallow river and quickly get across to follow the strange creature. I glance behind me and see Louie effortlessly leap over the water to follow me.

A roar filled the late summer breeze, sending unfamiliar shivers down my spine. "That was a Rhyhorn! Louie, stay on the lookout and let's get out of here!" I turn around and head back for the river but I can already hear wood breaking. "Louie, use charge so we're ready for a fight!" When we get to the river I realize the cracking noise isn't from an angry Rhyhorn.

It's coming from the dam.

I turn tail and head back towards the house, knowing this flood is going to be a big one. "This way Jolteon! We can't get caught up in the flood!" Louie, however, is already thinking ahead as he begins to nudge me towards the trees so we have more shelter from the coming disaster. I see the white and blue pokemon again and pause. "There it is again!" Louie growled at me and pushed me forward, forcing my attention away from the mysterious creature in the forest. "Oh come on Louie! We should be fine now! I want to catch it!"

More wood snapping follows us as the water bursts from its containment. Pokemon cries surround us as we all run away from the flood. The Rhyhorn we had heard earlier jumps in our path and glares at us, already agitated by the dam breakage. "Louie, thunderbolt!" The yellow thunder gets a direct hit onto the creature, however, with no effect. "Oh no.." The Rhyhorn charges towards us, the large horn on its head ready to strike. "Louie look out!!" I grab Louie and pull him away but I'm not fast enough. With my eyes closed I await the pain, however, I feel nothing but a warm breeze comb my hair. I look up to see the mysterious white pokemon standing ahead of us, his arched horn blocking the attack of the monster before us. I notice red liquid dripping onto the ground and get even more worried. "You're hurt.." Louie pulls on my shirt sleeve to get me back on my feet. "Louie use quick attack on the Rhyhorn!" The Jolteon hesitates but then attacks the pokemon with everything he has, sending the rock creature straight into the path of the flood. I run to the white pokemon that saved us and see the long bloody mark on his snout. "You saved us..." I take out my one and only pokeball and set it in front of his nose. "If you get in here, I can get you help.."

The creature hesitates to do so and slowly moves away from me. It makes soft growl-like noises, though they are hard to hear over the rushing water close to us. "Please...?"

Without much warning it is only I and Louie sitting there. I sigh softly and pick up the ball. "Maybe next time... I'll wait until then." I lead Louie back towards home.

"Yokai! There you are! We just started dinner!" Brie yells from the backdoor. As we get closer she gives us a fake-tooth smile. "What pokemon did you catch?"

"I didn't catch one! I want to wait and see if I can find a really good pokemon next time!"

"Any specific kind?" The elder asks as she leads me inside.

"There was a pretty white and blue pokemon in the forest with really cool red eyes!"

Suddenly, my grandparents get a more startled look in their eyes, almost as though they are scared. They turn to each other and then back at me to start another lecture. "You cannot catch that pokemon." Their voices come out in unison, annoyingly grading to my ears.

"Why not?"

Drai immediately began to rant and blab on about a mysterious creature called Absol. A white and blue monster with piercing red eyes, of whom only brings disaster upon people when they are around. People aren't aloud to train them, they are too dangerous to keep within a home. Some cities don't allow them within their lands, as they do not want natural disasters to bring damage upon their homes. I try to argue back but it's a pointless battle. "So stay away from those things."

"But grandpa, he saved me from a Rhyhorn!"

"Absols don't save people. They only bring trouble." Brie warns with firey anger in her worn voice. "Tomorrow you're going to catch a better and easier pokemon, okay? Don't you want a Butterfree like you had in that dream a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah... but..."

"Not buts!" Grandpa set a hot pan from the oven onto the stove top. "Now come eat dinner."

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