chapter 4

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Ross-Sorry Riker.

Riker-It's ok Ross.Maybe I'm just not as good as you

Ross-What do you mean?

Riker-Every one likes you.But not me.

Ross-We'll sorry dude I never new than.Do you fir give me?

Riker-Yes I do.

~Next day later~

Ross-Good morning Riker.

Riker-Good morning.

(Laura knocks on the door)

(Riker opens it)


Laura-Hi.Can I talk with Ross?

(Riker wispers of corse)

Riker-Come on in.


(Ross comes down)

Laura-We need to talk.

Ross-About what?

Laura-Did you tell Riker about you and me yet?

Ross-Yes I did

Laura-What did he think about it?Was he fine?

Ross-Yup.Well he seemed ok.

Ross-Tehee 😊

Laura-Ok then now back to the point.

Stormie-Ross,Riker time to eat.

Ross-See you latter.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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