Drawing with my sis and a draw of when I was 11

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How this happen:

No one POV

Jacqueline was on her phone waiting for her mother to come back home so she can assist to a 15th year old girl party. Suddenly, her little sister run through her with a big book on her hands.

"What do you have over there?" Jacqueline ask.

"Look at the draws I made some time ago! What about if we draw something together on here?" Her little sister asks happily.

"Okay, I don't see why not" Jacqueline answers back.


And this are the draws XD

This is from her...
Come on don't tell me it's ugly, she is learning :')

Come on don't tell me it's ugly, she is learning :')

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The book is in Spanish,

"Diseña un sombrero inspirado en tu zapato favorito"
"Design a hat inspired by your favorite shoe"

"Diseña un sombrero inspirado en tu zapato favorito""Design a hat inspired by your favorite shoe"

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This is a draw from when I was 11 years old ._.
I literally drew horrible! But, my classmates always told me hat they were pretty good.... LIES O_o

"Diseña tu propio mini biquini, super chiqui mini""Design your own mini bikini, super mini bikini"

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"Diseña tu propio mini biquini, super chiqui mini"
"Design your own mini bikini, super mini bikini"

I know I'm not that good in drawing bodies in bikini nor my sis... don't judge us please u.u

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