chapter 2

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'my names Maddie by the way''mines niall,um wanna get some lunch I'm starved''yeah me too'

recap over*

'can we go to nandos?'(sorry if I didn't spell of right)I begged niall'hell yes I love nandos!"

after we got in line and ordered we found pur table and sat.

'So niall what's it like being in a band?' 'oh its pretty good,lots of stuff to do always busy stuff like that''oh..yeah' the person/waitress came backs with like half the freak in menu!after we finished eating we decide to say goodbye 'hey Maddie can I get your number so I can contact you?''yeah I'll put it in your phone and u can put yours in mine' we extanged phones. for the name I put 'Maddie;)'he put the nialler;) awww cute.'well bye I've got to get my friend''bye Maddie can't wait to hang out again.' and we went our desperate ways.

*Alina POV*right after they split

I decided to go to forever 21! yay

owww something it me in the head..I looked up to see a cute guy covered in coffee..

'omg I'm so sorry....''zayn,zayn malik''Alina.' 'since u ruined my shirt can I take you to lunch?'he had that puupy dog face so I just gave in.'yeah' we decided to get some burgers and just talk

'so tell me a bit about yourself Alina'

'okay well my names Alina,I'm single,19,I'm not so girlish,I'm very fun and funny..umm I think that's all I can do for right now..what about u?''well I'm in a band called one direction,my full name is zayn malik,I got 4 best friends,I'm single and 20' 'I'm sorry to say thing but I better be going''oh yeah me too but how bout be ex range phone numbers?''OK' I put my phone number in and ass the name I put 'Alina;)'he put' zayn bear;)' haha 'bye nice to bump into u''same here'

*Nialls POV*at the flat.

'guys I'm serious she was gorgeous and funny and I think I've fallen in love!''oh really cause last time you said that about a nandos hamburger'harry said with a smirk everyone burst into laughing.

'I'm not joking I even have a pic of here I secretly took don't judge me' I showed them the pic haha told u she was a hottie guys! there face is priceless.

'wow your right but I also met someone her name is Alina..she was gorgeous to'zayn..

'Niall you should call her and ask to hang out again!' fucking Lou 'okay I will!"

I pressed on her kept buzzing..

'hello?' 'hey its niall' 'oh hey niall!' 'I was wondering if u wanted to hang out sometime' 'sure that will be fun' 'okay just text me your address and I'll pic you up tomorrow k?' 'OK'

'see I told u!' 'what's her name?' liam asked. 'Maddie its a very wonder full name.'

'someone's love strucked! 'oh shut it harry!'

my phone buzzed I checked to see who it was  from

hey here is my address ****★**** can't wait to hang - Maddie;)

I quickly texted back ' thanks I'll pick you up at noon!- nialler' soon I really want to be able to put xs on there..soon she will be mine.:)

last but not least or again *Maddie POV*

it was getting late so I decide to take a nice hot shower and come out smelling like coconut!haha coconut..funny word I just couldn't wait to hang with nialler he's funny and I think I like him..oh my life I picked out a pair of hello kitty PJs cause I'm awesome a green tank top and an are postal sweat shirt thingy..time for bed

before I went to

be I quickly texted nialler

night night sleep tight!xx-maddie;)

after that I dozed off to a deep sleep.

************************************************************************************************* hey every directioner!! hope you enjoyed this chap! omg she sent xx!!! ahhhh

plzzz comment and vote and all that follow me!!! yessss plzzz and also leave questions for me to answer or anything I should add or delete or anything like that! oh yeah I also need 3 peeps to be in my story!! so comment a name and a small description of that character and I'll pick 3 to add!

bye bye!


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