feels like loneliness

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Maya POV

Pranking my boyfriend this time

Maya hey can I tell you something

Lucas sure shoot

Maya your not asking for much but it just seems like a lot and kinda confused don't know what to choose

Lucas what do you mean why are you confused

Maya But baby, it's hard for me I'm not ready for your love

Lucas huh I love you to much

Maya I keep on the go but I don't mean to tease ya

Lucas you mean you were leading me on or you like when you tease me

Maya You're down on your knees, you're beggin' me please

Lucas I don't beg you for anything

Maya But darling, it's not the way to get me baby, no

Lucas but I already got you...

Maya Oops, didn't mean to make you love me

Skipping the other line cause it repeats

Lucas the fuck Maya

Maya Didn't mean to be charming such a beautiful darling

Lucas what do you even mean

Maya Didn't want to make you think we could be a thing and I give you everything, love

Lucas we can't be a thing then fine I leave

Maya Love feels like loneliness love feels like loneliness sometimes

Lucas we are together all the time how are lonely

Maya We can't get the timing because I was running but now I want you and you always knew, so baby

Lucas you were running from me and Riley and you always wanted me... So why the fuck did you just say we can't be a thing

Maya You pull away and make me wait for you

Lucas you bet your ass I did

Maya So screw all that love -ish I think that I've had it

Lucas the fuck does that mean friends with benefits

Maya The more you turn back, then I want you back

Lucas I never turned my back

Maya Cause this is the last time I play this game

Lucas aww you don't want to play our game anymore

Maya Always the same and I'm through

Lucas fine if your through I'm through we're through

I can't believe he just broke up with me I'm gonna stop and tell him

Maya wait what

Lucas you said you were through so that's what we are

Maya no I didn't mean it like that

Lucas well say what you mean and mean what you say

Maya no but I love you Huckleberry

Lucas NO you don't get to call me that anymore and you can't say you love me we are done

Lucas blocked you


Lucas will not see this because he blocked you

Wow he broke up with me. My life is over no one can love me like he did I have to tell him somehow I have to get Zay or Farkle to tell him

Lucas POV

Why did I just do that why didn't I let her explain why did I block her to many questions not enough answers but she wanted it so I guess that's what she gets.... I think that's what she wanted. I'm gonna miss her nicknames her. She was my first. I'm gonna miss her beautiful blue eyes that light up a whole room I'll miss our little game... I will miss you my shortstack of pancakes.

Maya POV

This is not what I had planned I didn't want him to break up with me he was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time after waiting and praying for Riley to not like Lucas anymore for Emily to go away which she hasn't she's still harassing me.

I finally have Lucas and my stupid ass has to ruin it fuck my life I might as well end it no one will miss me

Lucas hates me now Riley has Farkle Farkle has Riley. I'm just little o'l Maya that has no one and I shouldn't have even let Lucas in when I knew everybody leaves me but I'm just a stupid little girl nobody likes



Sorry I had them break up but its all my brain could think of.. All the ways it could've went down Lucas broke up with her in every single way in my mind but they will be back together maybe sooner maybe later

It is a lucaya book so it's bound to happen or is it??


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