Chapter Twenty: Truth

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Piper Belle-Harwood.


.Ten Years Ago.

"Ohmygosh, Fleur! That movie was so dumb!" I moaned to my fourteen year old twin sister as we stood by the movie theatre, waiting for our parents to pick us up.

"Oh...I kind of liked it..." she quietly responded.

I huffed.

"Are you for real? The main character DIED in the end, Fleur! She died! The guy was totally supposed to be with her but now they can't be because she DIED!"


"And you want to know the worst part? She didn't even know that he loved her because he was SO mean and never told her! What is there to like about this movie besides nothing?"

Fleur shrugged.

"I dunno. I guess...I kind of like the message it sends."

"Message? What message? Fleur, did we even see the same movie? She died! She died before he told her how he felt!"

"Yeah, but that's the lesson, Piper." Fleur gently spoke. "You need to tell people how you feel about them before it's too late."



.Present Day.



"This is ridiculous," I mumbled, attempting to get comfortable in my leather seat.

"If it gets the paparazzi off our lawn, it's worth it," Fleur promised, giving my hand a squeeze before she relaxed into her own seat.

I shrugged and watched her with a frown.

She got back together with Ryder. Saying I wasn't pleased would be an understatement but because she gave me that mini lecture about her life being hers, I'd stayed silent.

However, everyone was aware that I was a ticking time bomb waiting to blow up. And hopefully kill Ryder in the process.

"Hey," a voice broke my violent thoughts and I turned to see Lucas across from me, smiling softly. "Relax," he continued.

I rolled my eyes and leant into my seat, diverting my attention to the passing scenery outside the car window.

Since Alex's death, rumors had been flying about the Belle-Harwood family's involvement and the paparazzi were harassing my family more than ever before. Through it all, every single person in my family remained tight lipped and silent.

Well, until now.

About a week ago, Rowan came home from school early because she had gotten into a fight with one of her classmates. When Dad brought her home, he was holding her close as she continued to cry and sob into our father's shirt. Apparently, one of her classmates had told her that her oldest sister, yours truly, had murdered Alex in cold blood. This of course, caused the fight as my youngest sister refused to believe the worst of me...and it was that moment when I realized that this couldn't continue.

I called my publicist and manager and, within hours, had set up a tell-all interview with the legendary talk show host, Lena Romaine.

"How much longer is this trip going to be?" A small voice spoke up and I looked down and raised an eyebrow at my only brother.

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