Chapter #2

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Chad's Pov:
Today is my first day of school at my new school & I'm nervous about it! usually I'm not but somehow I am. I still miss my friends from Utah but mom says to make new friends! I don't think I am but if I do hopefully it's someone that doesn't know I'm famous. I woke up at 6:55 AM Since the bus comes at 8:22 AM & I have load of things to do. But I have Julie & Abby going with me so that's good enough I guess. Today I'm going to wear

(imagine that with Chad ok thx)"hopefully this is good" I said

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(imagine that with Chad ok thx)
"hopefully this is good" I said.
Michelle Pov:
Today we're getting a new student in my class & it's a boy finally! hopefully they're nice & not jerks.I had to wake up at 7:20 like always but I wish I could stay in longer. Today in gonna wear this to school

it's cozy & it's band day so don't expect me not wearing something comfy

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it's cozy & it's band day so don't expect me not wearing something comfy. I think the new boy is gonna sit next to me since nobody is sitting next to me *cry* I didn't cry I'm just being "sarcastic". Well mom is calling me gotta go!
Jenn's Pov:
Michelle keeps taking about how she's getting a new kid Ughhh! can't she shut up about it! " I heard that " said Michelle. Great way to start the day. can you hear the sarcasm? " yeah totally!" ok we gotta go since its time to leave.
Chad Pov:
I'm on the bus & I don't know where to sit so I sat next to someone with a bright yellow belt. I talked to them until the second stop since 2 boys just looked at me with a weird look. I told them " You got a problem with me or something that makes you stare??" I said. They said back " No we don't just don't sit next to her or something will happen like a punch from me" said one of them to me but I wasn't scared.
then the ride was silent.
Michelle's Pov:
My neighbor sat next to me but when we got to Jay's bus stop Jay got mad for some reason & I don't know why. I think Jay is jealous of my neighbor sitting next to me but idk so.
Jay's Pov:
That kid with Michelle is too close to her and he needs to go now! but if hurt him Michelle will get mad at me & would hate me so there's a risk!
Qais my best friend asked me why I just said that & I replied with " he's tryin' to steal my girl" but I think she heard so it might be awkward between us.
Chad Pov:
I think the kid likes this girl & might be jealous I don't know but I should stay quiet.
Hope you liked this chapter I wrote it extra long for you guys & you found out about 2 more characters!

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