TYE- Part 2

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Chapter 1
"Beep beep beep beep" I hit my alarm before it can repeat its screeching noise. I roll onto my back and look around my room. The sun is shining through my thin purple curtains, casting a strip of rainbow colours along my bed covers. The clothes I've recently worn, but are not dirty enough, sit pilled upon the only chair near my desk. I pull myself over the side of my bed and my feet hit the floor. My feet sink into my lush fluffy carpet as i trudge over to my wardrobe. "The first day back at school, hmm shall i go for the 'fashion show look' or the 'this is what I'm going to look like for the rest of the year' look. I decide to dress smart but casual as i pull out a white t-shirt, red checkered shirt and black jeans. I rummage through the mountain of clothes on my desk chair and find my favourite pair of socks. Yellow and black stripes, just like a bumblebee and throw on a pair of white converse shoes. "Cassie hurry up you're going to be late!' Mum shouts from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and pull my hair into a ponytail, i grab my phone and head downstairs. "I'll just grab this apple and head on my way' i call to my mother. My mum gives me a disappointed look. "Cassie, you seriously need to start eating proper breakfast with us, your little brother hardly see's you anymore and what the hell are you wearing?". I mumble my apologies and reply something about how this is my idea of smart but casual and walk out of the front door. Today is awfully cold, it feels more like a December morning than a September one. I crunch into my apple and head over to Sammie's house. Sammie is already waiting for me as i turn the corner onto her street. "Take your time why don't you" sarcasm rolling off the tip of her tongue. "I don't really want to be late for my first day of year 11, some of us care about our grades Cass' I nudge her with my shoulder and we both crease over in laughter. "Sorry, my alarm is a pile of rubbish!" I try to make the excuse sound as if it isn't lame. We walk over to the bus stop just as the bus pulls up. I step on to the bus, show the driver my bus pass, then walk to the back seats. "I can't wait to see Josh today, he said he's got a surprise for me!" Squeals Sammie. "You literally only saw him two days ago" i give Sammie a look as if to say 'are you serious'. "Oh Cass, but he's SO hot, you'll understand when you get a boyfriend" My cheeks turn a deep shade of pink and i turn to look out of the window just as we turn into the school parking lot.

Sammie runs over to josh and they embrace as if their life's depend on it. "I'll meet you in registration" i yell over the sound of them making out. I head to classroom R2 and pull out my home/school planner. I'm currently the only student in the room, i look over at the clock and it reads 8:50. "Ugh, 10 minutes" i think aloud. I flip through my summer homework '10 things i want to achieve before i leave school' i add on the bottom 'never believe my mum when she says I'll be late'. Students start to pour through the door and Sammie sits down next to me. "What was Josh's absolutely amazing surprise" I try to keep all judgement out of my question but i guess it still slipped in there somehow. "You seriously need to lay of Josh he's a nice guy and the surprise..." she instantly brightens up before adding "apparently there's this new guy who starts today and he's supposed to be super hot". I stare at Sammie in shock "Hold up, Josh told you a new hot guy was starting today and he said he was hot? That was his surprise... a guy?".
"Oh god Cass he didn't mean it like that and he said something about him being the perfect type for you" Sammie rolls her eyes. Just as I'm about to reply Mr Matthews burst through the door, far to happy for the first day back. I look around the classroom and see my own thoughts written across the other students faces. I spot Becca Rawlings sitting at the back, flirting with a group of guys. Becca and i have been worst enemies since the first day of high school, I'm not entirely sure why but we avoid each other whenever possible.
After registration has finished i check out my new timetable and head over to English. Unfortunately Sammie has Biology so i'm on my own. I find my seat labelled with my name and sit down next to Soloman my boy best friend. "I didn't expect to see you here, I thought i was on my own" i see my reflection in his glasses. "Well here i come to the rescue again" he chuckles before handing me a textbook. "Thanks, so how was San Francisco?" I was rather jealous when i found out that Sol would spend his summer in San Francisco and i had to stay in rainy England. "You know the same kinda stuff as every summer, i missed you though" Sol gave me a shy smile. "I missed my best friend too!" I shifted my gaze to the front of the class before i could see the flicker of sadness cross Sol's expression. The teacher explained that today we would be reading the first two chapters of 'of mice and men' again. Everyone groaned in unison. As Miss Holloway started reading for what felt like the 10th thousand time about some ranch i looked out of the window. I watched the rain trickle down the glass panes as if they were trying to see who would make it to the bottom first. Suddenly i saw a young male, dressed all in black walking towards the main reception. I couldn't see his face due to his black hoodie obscuring it and the rain that covered the windows. "Cassie, please tell me what page we are on" Mrs Matthews gaze was fixed onto me like a hawks fixed on its prey. "Umm page 14?" I mumbled hoping she wouldn't be able to hear me. "Well i can see you left us about 5 pages ago" her face plastered with annoyance. "Please keep up and pay attention" I managed to make my way through three more classes before lunchtime.
I sink into the red, hard cafeteria chair and pull out my lunch from home. Mum is always adamant that we eat food from home rather than paying the ridiculous cafeteria prices. The headteacher decided to redecorate the cafeteria by adding some inspirational quotes onto the walls and some plants along the windows. I could smell the mixture of foods the cafeteria had on offer and made a mental note to ask my mum if i could just try the food once. Sammie slides into a chair on my left side whilst Sol slides into the one on my other side. "So have you spotted Mr hottie yet?" Sammie asked me with to much enthusiasm. "No I haven't but i still have maths and chemistry after lunch" I worked out this morning that both Sammie and Sol are in my chemistry class. So at least I'll be able to talk to them about how much the equations confused me. "Has Cassie got her eye on someone?" Sol looks alarmed. I sigh before replying 'No, I don't even know who he is or what he looks like". Just then i spot the black hoodie walking out of the far cafeteria door. I eat the rest of my lunch in silence caught up in thoughts about the new guy. When the lunch bell rings i walk to maths where we are informed we have a mock exam. Miss Poppy explains that the mock exam will take up the whole hour of class and she expects no talking or distractions. I spend the hour completing my paper, only getting stuck on the question about Pythagorus Theorem. I hand over my paper to Miss Poppy and then walk out into the corridor. As soon as i start to walk towards chemistry i feel as if i'm being watched. I walk along the corridor, its walls filled with flyers about clubs and notices and i slip into the girls bathroom. I look into the mirror and study my face. My red hair has fallen out of my pony tail so i take a brush of my bag and make it look less like a wild bush. My green eyes look back at me in the mirror as i look at the curve of my nose. Faint freckles splashed over my nose and my cherry red lips.

I know i'm not exactly ugly but i do envy the girls who naturally look pretty with hardly any effort

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I know i'm not exactly ugly but i do envy the girls who naturally look pretty with hardly any effort. I gather up my belongings and run to chemistry. I burst through the heavy door and see that the class has already started. "Miss Simmons, how nice of you to join us, please sit down. My chemistry teacher points to the last empty seat, as i look over I notice the black hoodie figure sat in the chair next to mine. I catch Sammie's eye before i head over, the look of amusement so obvious on her face. I settle into my chair and pull out my books. "Now i would like you to write 5 points about the person sitting next to you, you have 2 minutes to discuss" Mr Johnson looks over in my direction. I start to turn towards my partner when suddenly i see his face for the first time.

"Hi...i...umm...i'm Cass... Cassie" i trip over every word i say. He looks into my eyes before a huge grin covers his face. "Hi Cassie, i'm Jasper. Jasper Verdana".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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