Chapter 24 - Securites

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Isabelle's POV
We're back at Hogwarts. We found Hermione and she walked with us, with the Daily Prophet in her hand.

Great! Lectures! I thought.

"It's easy for them get to you." She scolded Harry.

"You're bloody lucky that you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry. Including Belle and Gracey" She added.

But Gracey and I didn't say anything.

"I know who I am, Hermione, all right?" Harry snapped at her. Hermione looked taken back.

"Sorry." Harry apologized to her.
Then we saw Ron with Lavender.

"Oh bother." Gracey mumbled.

"Promise me you'll wear it?" She asked Ron.

"Lav, come on. Of course I'll wear it." Said Ron, not even enjoying it.

"That's my Won-Won." Said Lavender.

Then she started to cling her arms around him.

Harry and I just stared at them.
"Excuse me, I have to go and vomit." Said Hermione.

"I'll go follow Hermione." Said Gracey.

She left with Hermione.

"Harry, I have to go somewhere. Too clear out my mind." I said.

He nodded and I bid my goodbye.

I went to the Black Lake. I haven't spent much time here. For a long time.

I glanced at my necklace that Draco gave me, I have to admit, I never took it off.

I looked at the view of the Black Lake again, memories started to come, when Draco and I were here, when we 'used' to be enemies.

I kind of laugh for what I did to him. Punching him in the face. And remembered about happened in Potions the other day.

"I'll take to first sip." He said.
He took the lattle and poured it into his cup. When I wasn't looking, he suddenly pulle my hair.


He smirked and added my hair. He drank it.

He has gone a little shorter and started to change.

"Wow." He said.
That voice of his, did not match my body.

He started to touch everywhere around him.

"Nice booty, nice twins and---" I cut him off when I slapped him.

"PERVERT!" And I did slap him hard. It send him flying out of the classroom.


I chuckled at myself at that. What a pervert.
Gracey's POV - The Great Hall

Everyone was in the Great Hall, having dinner.

I was sitting by Belle and she was eating happily.

"Attention!" We all turned to Dumbledore.

"Welcome back from the break. I have a few announcements....The Chan Clan has volunteered to do the security around Hogwarts." he said.

Everyone started to mumbling, I can hear one of the girls squealing.

"Quiet down. The Chan Clan volunteered to help the security because they want everyone to be safe. They will started rounding students and escort them to dorms from now on." Dumbledore added.
"Thank you."

We went back to our food.
"That's odd." Hermione said.

I glanced at Belle and she staring at her food, resting her chin on her hand.

"Do you know anything about this, Belle?" Harry asked.

"Not that I know of. Since Josh is the Captain, he sometimes never give me and Gracey the details." she replied.

"Does that mean we're part of the security?" I asked.

"I don't know."
Isabelle's POV
Josh and I met Dad and the rest of clan, outside of Hogwarts.

"What's this security thing about?" I asked.

"We got a bad feeling about it." Josh replied.
Dad glanced at me. "Anything new about your mission?"

I sighed. "Nothing yet, Dad. He's always seeking out. Which I hardly know about and I technically insane."

"Actually....haven't you noticed Draco has been losing a lot of weight lately?" Kris asked.

"Of course I did." I replied.
"He looks pale, too," Nikki added.
I sighed and started to massage my temples.

"I don't even know anymore."

Ty put a hand on my shoulder.
"Just keep on what you're doing, Belle." he said.

"You're not the only one who's worried about him, Belle." said Aiden.

I turned to him. "We all are."
I sighed. "Including your Dad, he's worried about his rival as well." said Aunt Mei.

"Shut up." Dad mumbled.

"I didn't know Dad's worried about Lucius Malfoy." I said, giggling.

Dad growled.

"Ha! Shang and Lucius go way back. They usually fight about their looks." said Uncle Shen.

"Shut up, Shen!" Dad growled even more.

Uncle Shen just smirked.

"I don't know how Sophia handle it when we were Belle's age."

"What did Dad do he was my age?" I asked.

"Well, your Dad was 'trying' to get your mother's attention. By using his 'charm." Uncle Shen replied, emphasizing the 'trying' and 'charm.'

I couldn't help but giggle.

"What did he do?" this time, Josh was the one who asked.

"Haha! Your Dad actually got all of the girls in Hogwarts to follow him, trying to make your mother jealous. But your mother actually knew what's going on. So, she just smirked. Once your father don't know where he was going....his face was planted on the wall." Uncle Shen explained.

I burst out of laughing. Same goes for the others.

"YAH! That's suppose to be a secret!" Dad snapped at Uncle Shen.

He just shrugged.

"At least your daughter is smiling for once."

Everyone turned to me. "What?"

"Awwww....Belle. The way you smile, you look beautiful." said Micky.

Now that made me blush.

"And she blushes so cute!" said Yunho, pinching my cheeks.

"Ow! That hurt!" I pouted. He let go while I massaged my cheek.

"And she cute." said Hero.

"Oh shut it!" I said.
Everyone chuckled.

"So...." I glanced at Dad. ".....does that mean, Gracey and I are in the security thing?" I asked.

"It's up to the Captain." he replied.

I looked at Josh.

"You and Gracey are part of it. But you also have to concentrate on your mission about Draco." he said.
Hope this is good one

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