thoughts on °•×spaceו°

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Space is a huge mystery, humans, as curious as they are, want to explore it, even if they haven't explored their own little world yet. I, personality, think humans should adapt to explore these magnificent universes. Possibly, if that happened, we could even be... Different.
  Humans nowadays rely on technology and cars... Things to ruin their already perfect and well made earth. You, reader, may be asking.. "why are you saying humans instead of people.. aren't you human too?"
Well... I am human... I just don't like to think of myself like one.
  In my mind, humans are terrible beings.
They see.
they destroy.
That's all I know
It's space however. Life is unlimited.
You can destroy a galaxy.. just 1.
And there'll still be more
Our moon, or as some  like to call it "our ball of cheese in the sky."
Anyway, the moon mine be gone someday because humans go there and back to grab little pieces of rock. Or maybe humans want to live  there because they are aware that they are Unpleasant.

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