thoughts on °earth°

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Earth is amazing, but.. sometimes.. it's not.. people ruin earth is so many ways now.  It's sad. Where you are. Right now. Could have been a place where birds played around up atop a tree, or wolves playing with their Cubs. But we ruined it. We took it away from them. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about how much we ruined this planet. Sure, there are many many untouched places. But if you think about it. They will find them. And ruin them.
I'm sure it isn't easy to make such a beautiful place.
Just think about it
If you were a fish. A beautiful, and brilliant fish. And you were given to a ungrateful child.
She didn't like you. Or appreciate your beauty. So she killed you. Ruined you. Threw you out.
That's how humans are.
We are given a beautiful planet.
But we distroy it.
We throw our trash all over it.
We ruin it.
There's no going back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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