Chapter nine - twisted relationships

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I woke up to someone running away from my bed, from my arms. I opened my eyes and saw a flash of Niall running to my bathroom and not late from that, I heard him throw up. I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom, sat next to Niall and started to rub his back. When he finally stopped throwing up he looked at me, he looked miserable. Well who doesn't after puking their lungs out. I looked at him with a worried look. "You okay?" I then asked. He gave me a weak, forced smile. "Yeah, just a hangover." he said, flushed the toilet and got up. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth, see ya later." he then said and left. Now that was weird.

  I brushed my teeth too, and then walked to my bed. I sat on it and started thinking. What if Niall didn't remember what happened yesterday? Or what if he regretted it? Suddenly Liam came into my room with his eyes all puffy and red. My mind snapped to Liam, Seducing Niall could wait, something was definetly wrong with Liam. I stood up and rushed to hug him. He just stood there, shaking. When I realized that he wasn't going to hug me back, I pulled away. "Liam, what's wrong?" I asked. He finally looked to my eyes, he was worried about something, I saw it. "I.. I-- I d-did something.." He said hesitating every word. We sat down on my bed and I gave him the 'tell me' -look, the worried one. "I..I.. Yesterday.. we were at the club.. something happened. Something that shouldn't have happened... I did something horrible, I.. Harry I don't know what to do." Liam practically cried out. The thing he did must be really bad, he's never like this. "What did you do?" I asked. "I.. it.. he.. We were dancing and you, Ni and zayn left, but Louis didn't want to, he wanted to dance. " He explained and I listened every word he said. "Well Louis was thata drunk that I couldnt leave him alone, so I decided to dance with him for a while. Soon enough he got tired and we went off of the dance floor to sit for a while. And Louis said something, I couldn't hear what, but he slurred something and..he..we..I.." liam started to hesitate in the end. "You can tell me Li." I said. He looked up at my eyes. "He kissed me." He said. I didn't expect that, Louis kissed Liam? He then looked down to his lap. "And I didn't stop him." He said.

   Now I'm completely confused.. Did Liam just tell me that he's gay? "Why is it so bad?" I asked. "Because.. I'm straight, and we both have girlfriends" he said. "Harry, please help me I don't know what to do!" he almost shouted. "How do you think I'm the best help? I'm the youngest after all." I asked, I couldn't stop wondering that. "Because I thought you'd understand.. since you have a thing with niall..." Liam said and looked directly into my eyes. "Umm.. well we don't have, bu-" I started before he cut me off. "Yes you do, don't lie to me." Liam said. I couldn't get him to know that I wasn't straight. "Anyway, I think that you should just tell Louis, he was the one to kiss you after all." i said. I didn't know exactly what to do with my own crush problems so how could I help Liam? "Do you fancy him?" I then asked ater a little awkward silence. "what?" Liam said. I know that he knows that I know that he heard. He just doesn't want to answer. "do you fancy Louis?" When I said that, Liam looked down to his lap again. "I--umm.. I can't.. i don't.. I don't know.." he mumbled. Poor little Liam. He was questioning his sexuality, it's hard to learn that you're not the person you always thought you were. "Liam, it's okay." I said to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me. "Thank you." he said and gave me a weak smile. "I think we should go make breakfast!" Liam then suggested out of nowhere. I gave a little laugh to his randomness. "Yeah, sure!" I said then, and we left my room.

   We walked to the kitchen and I saw Louis and Niall. Louis looked like hell. "Having a hangover?" I sarcastically asked. "Oh shut it curly, you don't wanna start this now." He shot back. I just smiled to myself and walked to fridge. "So I heard there's a fun park in here tonight" I said. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis said. "What?" I said and turned to him. "I'm having a massive head ache and you're suggesting that we'd go to a fucking fun park?" Louis said. "First of all, stop swearing." I never liked when Louis swore. Or anyone for that matter. Louis just rolled his eyes. "And second of all, no one ever said that you'd have to come." I said. "Liam?" I asked, he didn't have a hangover so he'd have to come. "Naah, I think I'm gonna stay and keep Louis company." he said. "Zayn's here." I said. "Yeah, but he's sleeping. much fun of a sleeping zayn huh?" he said. Damn he was right. "Niall?" I asked. He was going to disagree. "Please?" I said and put the best puppy face on my face and looked directly at him. He let out a sigh. "Fine." he said. "Yayy!" I started jumping like a little girl and went to Niall and gave him a hug. "Just let me shower first." He said and I pulled away. We could shower together. "I think I need a shower too" I said and smiled a bit, I hope he'd get my hint. "So I'll see you in an hour?" Niall asked. "An hour? I didn't think that you'd take that long to get ready for a funpark." I said. "Yeah but I do still have this little thing called hangover, which I'd like to get rid of." he said and stood up from the table. "Ugh.. Fine. One hour." I said, I wanted to get into that funpark with Niall now. We could go to a Ferris wheel and kiss when we're on it's highest.. Niall left to his room and so did I, to my room ofcourse. I went into my bathroom and started showering, I had to look goo- no. I had to look perfect. I had to look so good, that Niall would be in my arms till the end of the night. I had to get that kiss from him. Let the seducing Niall plan part 2 begin.

(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! :( And this was a crappy chapter, sorry about that too.

I added some LiLo ;)) and more is to come...

How'd you like the ending - Dirty, happy, romantic, sad...?

If you liked this, which I hope you did, give it a vote and share this to your friends! And also some feedback would be nice so feel free to comment too! Like seriously I want to know wether I'm doing good or not.

And also are things happening too fast, too slow?

I'm now taking any suggestions into this story, which I don't 100% surely use, but I'd like some suggestions of what could happen or what twistes could come and stuff, so I could make this longer and more interesting!

And I have to say this to the end. Niall f-ing Horan tweeted our #1DWalkFinland video. He noticed us, they noticed us. He practically brought Finland to the worldmap.

Till the next chappie, xoxo.

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