The End

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I finally made up my mind I'm not Doba leave my friends to put it simply I don't want to die yet nor when they are still with me.

I smirked at Erza and finally closed my eyes and locked her upthe moment I did that some appeared and when it cleared I saw Eileen angry and beat up.

"You will not win! " she yelled.I was about to fight but crooned as I realized I couldn't move at all.Ribbons or something charged at me it heels me on the air by my neck torso arms and legs I tried to break out but they would just tighten.

Eileen smiled with deep breaths and relief as she walked towards me. "I failed my goal but at least I got revenge on you. I started to burn "This is the last thing I can do then I'll die...don't worry the pain will stop in a while"

It hurt so bad Eileen collapsed and then everyone woke up when I was already almost gone.I smiled  "I love yall so strong for me...I'm sorry" I started crying as Natsu yelled again "No the war isn't over our journey isn't over!"

"Zeref is dead and same for Eileen the war is over and as for me my journey hasn't ended (cough) because I will always protect those who are precious to me."

Everyone was crying and as one last year came down I was a sword "I love you...Fairy Tail...tell Jellal to forgive himself ,and all of yall please forgive me" were my last words as my sword self clinked on the ground and all I heard were sobs all around me and Natsu yelling crazily "I never got to beat you!You need to talk to Jellal!You have to keep diciplining me!You can't leave Erza! And I heard Gray yelling at him and then they hugged each other.My job for Fairy Tail is done for now.

I got stabbed above the bar diagnal and in the middle

Like a monument looking over Fairy Tail....forever  until this almost invincible metal is broken and I'm possibly freed or dead.

Might continue story in the future I would have to think about it maybe I'll do an extra chapter where an enemy comes and she comes out only for that enemy for help

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