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This book is in Brendon's POV


My eyes fluttered open. The windows were cracked ever so slightly; allowing the chilling breeze to sweep through my apartment. I slowly sat up and rubbed the temple of my head, figuring out what I had to do today.

I got it. I have nothing to do, so just in my luck I did not have to go to work today and I could spend my time alone somewhere. Like a normally did.
I stood up and picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a navy blue t-shirt.

Once I was finished, I slung a long gray coat around my shoulder and buttoned it all the way up to my neck. I also decided to grab a beanie so I could shield my ears from the stinging cold.

I shoved my keys in my pocket and walked out the door in a hurry. I started to lock the door, but before I could I remembered something. I forgot my journal. The one thing I wrote down all my thoughts into, or sometimes even drew what was going on around me.

I rolled my eyes and quickly sprinted back into my apartment to grab the small leather booklet which sat on top of my dresser, like always.
I pushed it and my phone in the same pocket and then finished my journey outside of the apartment complex.

I sped walked over to my car in a speedy fashion, but wait. Where is my car? I clenched my fists angrily and looked throughout the whole parking lot. I sighed and decided to walk to the train station that was down the street.


I stood, waiting for the train to come for about twenty minutes, everyone else seemed to be finding their ride easily. Not me. I'm stuck here waiting for a train to Baker Street, which is very close to a river I often go to.

I ran a hand through my dark brown hair and let out another sigh. I guess I wouldn't be going to the river today, coffee should do.

I pushed through the crowds of people until I was outside of the station and walking across the street to a small coffee shop called Lucky's. A name I was all too familiar with.

I opened the door and the bell above my head made that little jingle noise. I frowned to myself but continued up to the counter. "Hey, Brendon. Your usual?" Olivia, the waitress, I guess you'd call her that asked.
I nodded and took out the amount of money I'd need to pay. I handed it to her and she smiled.

I trailed over to an empty booth next to a window. I always chose this seat because I got a good view of everything going on outside. The only thing I could see at the moment was snow falling and a train racing away.

The sound of a porcelain cup being set on a table sounded from behind me so I turned around to see Olivia. "Thanks Olivia" I stated and pulled the hot cup of coffee closer to me.

I took a sip and let my eyes travel over to a young lady with dark brown hair, such as mine, sitting alone.
I cocked an eyebrow as she looked back at me with a smile. She waved a little, so did I. She looked around and quickly came over to my booth, sitting across from me.

"Have I see you before?" She instantly asked and set down her coffee. I shook my head slowly. "Don't believe so..." I responded and rubbed the nape of my neck nervously.
"I feel like we've met before, oh well. My name is June. You?" She smiled again.
"I'm- uh Brendon, it's nice to meet you June" I said and we shook hands.

I let my body press against the corner of the booth a little bit as she started ranting about her day. I nodded every couple of words to show her I was listening.

"So, Brendon. Where ya heading after this?"

I shrugged "I don't know. Maybe home, or to a frozen over lake. I love those" I answered and let my eyes fall to the table.
"Sweet, I don't know what to do with myself. Sorry if I'm bothering you" she chuckled and straightened her blue coat.
I shook my head "No you're fine. It's actually quite nice being able to talk to someone new" I reassured.

She tilted her head and peeked down at her phone. "I have to go. It's been nice meeting you Brendon. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime?"

I smiled awkwardly, "Uh... yeah. Goodbye."

She slid out of the booth and exited the shop in quite a rush.
I swear I had actually met this woman before. I wouldn't say it to her because that's start a whole different conversation I didn't want to be involved in.

I took out my notebook and sketched out a drawing of her.

Haven't had a full conversation with anyone for a long time~ Thank you, June.

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