one : peggle's eggles

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chapter 1
Maria's eggs were never enough for Peggy. She always wanted more. Peggy had always known she was eggsexual, but she didn't know how to tell Maria this.
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Peggy sat at the dining room table, waiting for Maria to hand her the eggs she was cooking.
"Here you go, Peggy." Maria smiled and handed her a plate with a sunny side up egg on it.
"Excuse me?" Peggy screeched.

"What's wrong?"

"What the hell is this? A sunny side up egg? I ONLY LIKE SCRAMBLED EGGS!!!"

Maria quickly removed the plate from Peggy's hands. "So sorry." She said as she walked back to the kitchen and scraped off the egg into the trash. "Stuck up egg brat." She muttered. "I HEARD THAT!" Peggy yelled from the other room. "I heard that!" Maria mocked Peggy. Peggy came running into the kitchen. "Where are my eggs?" She yelled.
"Give me a second, I have to clean the pan off so none of the sunny side up egg remains get in your scrambled eggs."

"Thank you, Maria. I appreciate it."

"Sure thing."

Peggy opened the refrigerator to get the eggs for Maria, when she got an idea. She grabbed an egg and ran upstairs to her room. She placed the egg down carefully on her bed. She walked over to her desk and picked up a black Sharpie™ (not sponsored). She picked up the egg and drew a face on it, lightly touching the marker to the fragile shell.

"Well hello Mr. Eggles." She smirked. "What would you like to do?"

Mr. Eggles sat quietly because he was an inanimate object that could not speak or move.

"I have an idea." Peggy said, giggling. She grabbed Mr. Eggles and kissed him with force, but also with such gentleness. Her lips pressed against his soft shell.

"I want you so bad..." Peggy whispered.

Peggy continued her makeout session, when she heard a crack. A sharp line ran through Mr. Eggles as he slowly broke open and dripped his juices down Peggy's shirt.

"Shit!" Peggy yelled. She looked around for a napkin to wipe up the mess.

"Maria? Come clean this up!" She yelled.

Peggy took Mr. Eggles shells and tossed them in the toilet, as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"In another life, Mr. Eggles. Farewell." She whispered as she pulled the handle of the toilet. A flush of water sent the egg shells flowing down the toilet and into the sewers, never to be seen again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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