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amandas pov
who the?
the number was blocked so i couldnt see it..
i just deleted the convo and went to sleep..




i woke up the next morning and had two texts

unknown: awh u deleted the message?

unknown: baby girl deleting the messages wont keep me away

who the fuck is this .. guy.?

"who ya textin?" julian said walking up to me and i immediately put my phone away.

"oh.. uh no one" i said and got up

"im gonna take a shower" i said and walked into the bathroom. i only dont want julian to know because i know he will freak out if he finds out some random person is trying to text me..

Julians Pov

"jovani do you know whats up with amanda?"

"no. why? whats wrong with her?"

"well i just asked her who she was texting and then she hid it from me.. and acted all weird."

"maybe u just scared her..?"

"mm idk.. shes never hidden anything from me.."

"well idk maybe shes just on her period idk, but get hype man!! our first show is tomorrow!"

"yea i guess, lets just start heading over there so we can practice the dj set and the dance again so we dont mess up.. well at least you dont mess up.. u messed up a lot during our last tour."

"shuttt up and lets go" he said and i started laughing

we got to the headquarters and saw a girl with our manager..
"whos this?"
i asked walking in
"oh this is nikki she will be joining tour with us"
"oh. hi"
i said
"hey im jovani and thats my brother julian"
"hey im nikki nice to meet you guys!"
she has a peppy attitude..
i mean im not gonna lie, shes pretty but id get rid of some of the pep.
"so what are you doing on tour nikki?"
jovani asked
"oh im a singer"
"ah a mini mario"
"a mini who..?"
"you havent met mario yet?"
i asked
"oh , then youll get to meet him soo-"
"hey pals whats up"
"speaking of mario, that would be him"
"what ab me?"
"we were just talking ab u to nikki. shes being added on tour with us. shes a singer like you"
"oh cool cool"
"hi mario nice to meet you"
"hey nikki you too"
"okay great you guys have introduced each other now go practice we have our first show tomorrow!"
"okay, lets go jovani"
*3 hours later*
i couldnt stop thinking about amanda.. why would she hide something from me?
hopefully i didnt do anything wrong..

Amandas pov
after i showerd i gor ready and headed to the hq so i could get practice in before the show.. because i have stage freight and if i dont practice i get anxiety and then i freak out and get off stage. but if i practice enough ill be fine.
ugh. all morning ive been getting these texts from the person.
so i finally decided to text them back.
me: look idk who tf you are, but you need to leave me alone. idk what i did to you to make you hate me so much. but you need to stop and get a life.
person: its funny how you dont know who i am.

after a few minuets they kept texting me so i just turned off my phone bc i dont want to deal with them.
- at the hq-
"hey patrick any empty rooms i can practice in?"
"um yeah the last one to your left"
"okay thank you"
i walked in the room and turned on the lights and closed the door.
"dont say a fucking word"
some guy had put tape and then put his hand over my mouth.
"shut the fuck up"
then he blind folded me and took me outside in a car...
oh shit

END :)
hope u enjoyed.
sorrybi wasnt updating i was really busy with youtube and school and sports and all that.
but follow meee :)
main: shailamtz
fan acc: bbyjaras

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