• MatPat •

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Imagine you're out on the streets, alone, cold and hungry. After coming out to your religious family, you were kicked out with only the clothes on your back and a few bucks. Tomorrow, you'll have been homeless for a month. You pull your ragged sweatshirt tighter around you and nudge an old soup can closer to a passing woman.

She froze for a moment, looking at you sympathetically, then walked away shaking her head. Sighing, you lean against the old building you sat in front of and look miserably up at the gray clouds crawling in. You've heard talk of snow and you know you'll be lucky if you can even survive a snowstorm. You fiddle with an old, rusted ring you had found earlier that week until you notice someone standing before you.

"Hey, do I know you from somewhere?"

You look up to see a well dressed, brunette man looking down at you with soft brown eyes. You gasp in horror when you realize who it is.


"(Insert name)? What, what happened? Why are you-"

"Please don't ask me anything Mat. I don't want to talk about it. Just, just just just... Just go. Please. I don't want you to see me like this..." You murmur. You hide your face in your arms as ashamed tears stream down your face.

"(Insert name), (insert name) please don't cry. It's okay. I don't care what happened," he kneels down and places one of his large hands on your bare knee. "But what I do care about is your safety. You need to come home with me. There's supposed to be a huge snowstorm later tonight and I can't have anything happen to you."

You look up to see him hopefully staring at you.

"Why do you suddenly care?" You burst out, not caring if anyone heard you. You didn't care about anything anymore. "You think you can just treat me like shit and then suddenly act as if we're best friends? Suddenly act like you care about me? News flash: you don't. You..." You would have continued but then realized how quiet he was. That wasn't like Mat. You look back to him to see him shaking with sobs.


"I'm so sorry," Mat whispers, as tears roll down his face. "All those things I used to say, I didn't mean. None of them. I was peer pressured. And if I could take it all back, get to start over, I would. In a heart beat. Because I was right when I said you're not like the other girls. But you're, you're better than them. So much better." He takes a deep breath and wipes away his tears, then continues.

"What I want more than anything is if I could take you home, and we could act as if we are just old friends. But I think it's too late for that. So..." He pulls out his wallet and drops a twenty in your soup can and pulls at his beanie.

"Then I say good day to you."

He stands up and begins to walk away. You sit there, looking at his slowly disappearing back, at a loss for words. Had the one who had done so many horrible things to you just last spring just told you he wanted to start a life with you?


He pauses and waits.

"Could you take me home? Just, I mean... Just for the snowstorm of course but..."

He walks back to you without a word, wraps his arms tightly about your narrow waist, squeezing you tightly. "I forgot how much I loved you," he whispers, trembling slightly. You raise your hand, about to slap him. All the horrid memories roll through your head, making you wince in pain. But then your brain really interprets what he just said and you lower your hand slowly.

"You, love me?"

"Yes. Since the day I lied eyes on you. You were so gorgeous and kind, and oh so smart. You were just perfect in every way. And you don't... you can't imagine how much pain I went through saying and doing such horrible things to you," he carefully pulls his fingers through your matted hair and smiles shyly. "I love you, (insert name)."

You suddenly burst into tears again, but this time with happiness. You bury your face in his coat and mumble, "can you take me home now, Mat?"

He chuckles gently and scoops you up bridal style.

"If I were to say no, I'd be known a madman."

And from that day on, you knew where you true home was.

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