Chapter 1: Until We Meet Again

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"Serenity, time to eat!" Laurent called from the kitchen. I ignored him and kept my eyes fixated on the television. My human face staring back at me. It was another update about blood they found in the forest that we originally camped out in while I was turned. We were long gone from there. In fact, it was December now and we weren't even in the state of Washington anymore. We lived in Alaska now, so Laurent could keep his "Good vampire" cover with the Denali clan. He was in love with Irina, one of the sisters. In my opinion..she was a bitch.

"Serenity!" Victoria hollered, "You'd think with vampire senses she'd actually listen for once," Victoria walked into the living room and stopped in her place, as she realized why I didn't answer. "Stop doing this to yourself, kid." and with that she turned the channel to cartoons.

"Now go eat."

I stood up and went into the kitchen to get my glass of A positive. I'm the only one that drinks it. Laurent drinks animal blood and hunts with his girlfriend and Victoria hunts humans on her own time. She ends up staying out for days, when she used to take only one day to hunt. Her behavior has gotten really odd as well, she gets angry if I even bring up wanting to see my sister again. I drank the blood and went to my room to sulk.

All of a sudden, I got an idea..I could email Bella. I recently bought myself a new phone and laptop. I didn't have her number, but I had her email memorized by heart.

I quietly pulled my laptop on my lap and typed away.

Dear Bells,

I'm sorry that I left without a good-bye. There have been..things..that I've had to deal with. I'm okay though. You mustn't tell anyone that I emailed you. I'm not ready to be found yet.

Until we meet again, Renny  xoxo

I quickly sent it and then deleted the history, then shut off the laptop. I turned over and closed my eyes.

When I was bitten by Victoria, the venom triggered my wolf genes. I don't shift into a wolf, because I don't have a big percentage of the gene, but it mixed with the vampire venom, I'm 25% wolf, 25% Vampire, and 50% Human. An abomination.

Though I can sleep, eat, and have all the human functions, I still have an urge for blood, and uncontrollable anger. The Volturi would not approve.

I zoned out, feeling my reality switch to a different point of view. The longer I focused on it the more it formed into what looked like Bella's point of view:

Bella, in her own world, opens her truck door just to have it slammed shut again by our father, Charlie, "That's it," Bella looked confused. Yet I could feel her pain and loneliness. She tried her damnedest to not let anyone see how she truly felt..but I could feel it.

"That's what?" She asked

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." The pain she felt suddenly hit me in the chest like a semi-truck, as it grew stronger,it was now perfectly etched into her features. It was now as clear as day, that what our father said to her, cut her deeply. "I just - don't know what to do anymore. Edward left Bella..and Serenity, well..she's dead. She isn't coming back. It's time we let them go," He murmured. I knew it hurt him the most to admit that I was gone for good.

The two most important people in my life, thought I was dead, and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. It wouldn't be safe to be around either of them. My dad, the one who busted his ass to raise me by himself. The one who taught me to care for everyone, to not judge a book by its' cover..lost his true best friend. Me. Bella and I were never that close, because she lived so far away as a kid, but we were just starting to truly become sisters. I now realized that I wasn't the only one hurting, that others did care for me, but it was now too late to do anything about it.

"I'm not leaving Forks." She protested

"It's not normal, this behavior. And rankly, it's scaring the hell outta me, and your mother," My dad argued, but his voice grew softer, as he spoke. "Go to Jacksonville, Baby. Make some new friends."

"I like my old friends." Bullshit. She hardly ever saw them, since she met Edward.

"You never even see them anymore."Thanks, dad. I knew I wasn't the only one to notice.

"I do, too. In fact, I' and I are going to Port Angeles tomorrow. Shopping." She lied, terribly if I might add. C'mon Bells, stop lying. You know you hate shopping.

"You hate shopping." Dad argued, sounding like he didn't believe a damn thing she said.

"That's how good a friend I am." K, Bells. Sure. Liar, Liar pants on fire.

"Alright. Shopping," He replied, amused. If I wasn't on the verge of tears, I'd be just as amused as he was.

I snapped back into reality, my room was now focusing into view. The reality switch thing wasn't entirely new. Ever since I turned, I jump into Bella's mind when she felt a really strong emotion. It first happened when she woke up in the hospital to find out that I was missing. I saw and felt everything she did. I saw her entire birthday and the fiasco that ensued, involving Jasper. I saw when Edward left. I saw the day they  declared me dead.

I lived every event that I missed out on through Bella's eyes. It was helpful to a point. I loved knowing she was still alive, but it killed me to see how badly my disappearance affected the ones I love the most.

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