Harry's P.O.V
I breathed uncontrolled heavily, and was shaking. I needed fresh air. I headed towards the front door that lead to the garden, past the crowd who had gathered around the situation that just happened, and stood under the big three. The cold air hit me right as I went outside, and I could feel how my cheek started to burn again. Fuck, I slightly cursed. But who do she think she is? What a bitch. I needed to break something. To let my anger out. My gaze immedetly met the drink I was holding. My muscels thightned as I used all my power to throw the glass into the direction of one of the house walls. That helped a little. I closed my eyes slowly as I felt dizzy again. I had to sit down. My gaze met a chair leaning next to the house wall, took it, and brought it back to under the three again. I immedetly regreted that I drank tonight. It was always like this. I didn't knew it myself, but when I look around I was quit lonely at sometimes. When I didn't had to deal with sale of drugs, or other gangs, of course. But I had people around me. All the time. Even though Lucas, Zach, Zayn, Will and Max was my very closest friends. But at sometimes even them didn't get me. I was freezing now, but it was worthy beacause my pulse had finally sunk to it normal level. I liked sitting here in the dark. Just having a little time for myself to calm down so I could avoide breaking some necks when I went inside again. I looked down at my cross necklace, and place the silver metal between my fingers as it shine in the light moon light. I was always so lonely at nights.
I slowly cursed as I remembered the party that was going on inside. Tom was going to kill me. I was a dead man. I took a quickly glane inside the open door, and bited my bottomlip in remorse. It was first now I saw how messed up this party was. The house was filled with hundreds of unknown people I don't even remember invited, emty beer bottles, and almost naked pool dancers everywhere. Fuck. My hand quickly went inside of my back pocket before a smoke package appeared. I needed a smoke. Big grey smoke clouds were coming out of my mouth as I took another pull from the cigarette. Much better.
As I was smoking I suddently felt a hand on my shoulder, and before I knew it Britney was sitting on my lap. I slowly let my cigarette fall to the grass as her lips attack mine in a hungry move. Our lips are moving equally as I feel how her hand is swimming down to my jeans.
I pull away from her kiss, breathless. "Britney .." I whispered as I met her brown eyes. She looked confused.
She looked at me. "But .. I know you want to.." She whispered as her lips moved from my lips to my neck, sucking at my skin.
I pulled her away. "Not now .." I said trying to give her the signal that I wasn't in the mood right now.
But that didn't stopped her, and it didn't looked like she cared very much either. She was still sucking at my neck as she carefully bite my earlobe. "No .." I whispered again, as I was about to moan. She suddently placed her hand on my bare stomach under my t shirt as she came closer again to kiss my lips.
"I SAID NO!" I screamed in her face as she pulled her dress further up. What word in 'not now' didn't she understand? Really.
She quickly got up from my lab, fixed her dress, and slapped me as hard as she could possibly slap someone.
"You're an asshole." She hissed, and went inside to be a part of the party inside.
I cursed again, and placed my hand on the same burning cheek again. Fuck. What was it with girls now days? I was pretty sure she leaved another red mark right there. It fucking burned. I drag a hand through my hair again as I felt another hand on my shoulder. I turned around as quickly as possible, and was met by Zayn this time. I gave him a questioned look, and looked at his face expression.
I stood up as a reflex. "What the fuck happened man?" I asked aggresive, but dying to know the answer. My muscels thightned as well as my frist. It seems like Zayn noticed that, because he placed his hand on my frist to make me relax.
"Calm down, man. It hasn't happened anything with me. And no, I know what you're thinking. It's not something with them either." He replied, and lowered his voice for some reason. I relaxed as soon as I understood that he reflected to the gang on the East side.
I looked at him. "Is it your-" I started to say, but he cut me off by shaking his head no.
"My sister is fine." He replied, and looked at me to make me believe what he was saying was true.
"Then what is it?" I asked once again.
He looked worried at me as he parted his lips to speak again.
"Tom is here, and he want to talk to you." He spoke.
A/N: I'm so sorry for bad updates. Just been so many tests and semester exams and stuff going on, and my grades are not on their greates right now, so yeah. But thank you so much for all the votes! ily x

Dangerous Addiction
Fanfiction[ON HOLD] Evangeline Elizabeth Harris (18) a dancer from South Shields recently moved to London to get a taste of her new life as an adult, and follow the path of her dreams as a professional dancer. Eva is enjoying her stay since the first day, but...